Chapter 49

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~ Your POV ~

"Well, aren't you a brave little thing" his hands approached my face, stroking gently my cheek. I was glad I didn't tremble under his touch.

"Do I know you?" I asked, not wanting to be nice or polite. I knew too goddamn well who he was, but I was completely under my curiosities will.

"Supposedly, though I'm pretty sure they erased me from your little mind" he answered, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear "But I didn't forget about you. After all, how can a Godfather forget about their Goddaughter?" he asked, on a tender tone.

But his tender voice didn't do much to mask the bomb he just dropped on me.

As an Anbu and Danzou's protected, I had a pretty good description about the one's in the Bingo Book who have directly threatened Konoha or it's leaders. Orochimaru was basically a star in that matter. And yet, this little voice in the back of my head kept telling me that he was truthful to his words. That familiar warm felling spreading in my chest kept telling me that he was indeed what he just told me.

"W-What?" I couldn't help but stutter, my mind a whirlwind of thoughts and instincts.

"Oh my dear child, how much you've grown! I remember the day Jiraya walked towards us with you in his arms. Tsunade was both mad and mesmerized by her only living relative, but I was simply... with no words!" he came closer, putting his two hands on my face, cupping my cheeks gently. 

As he started the small narrative of the first time he saw me, flashes of that day came rushing through me. My little body trembling as I clung with all my strength to the clothes of a tall, white-haired man. He was trying to calm me down after taking me from the top of a tree that I had somehow climbed. His hands were big and warm, gentle against my trembling little body.

I had been left at the entrance to the great gate by that trio who had saved me. They said they had gotten in touch with someone they knew inside the village and that he would soon come looking for me, but I was so scared that I ended up running and climbing the nearest tree. The white-haired man had to calm me down and help me down before putting me on his lap and carrying me into the village.

My hands were full of splinters, but that didn't stop me from gripping the man's baggy clothes. The next thing I remember was a woman, who I don't remember what she looked like, crying as she gently took my hands and took splinter by splinter out of it before healing my palm.

My mind spun as I remembered the extra presence. There was someone else that day, someone who had held me in their lap and kissed my cheeks. Someone who had shown me an affection that had been unknown to me since my parents' deaths. But as hard as I tried, only fog and a sharp headache appeared in place of that mysterious figure.

But the feeling of the person's presence was not able to leave me. And I hated myself for seeing the similarity between the presence of the mysterious figure in my mind and the man in front of me.

His eyes were so loving and familiar that they made every single word seem more intimate and true. That was dangerous...

"How mad I was not to be able to take you with me. If that damned old man didn't come crashing down my plans, I would've been able to keep taking care of you..." he spurted.

"I don't... I don't understand" I was able to mutter, my head fuzzing with a million thoughts "Take me? Where? Where have you been all this time, if you are who you say you are!"

"That damn old man..." he clicked his tongue in a disapproval sound "Has he told you anything about your past?" Orochimaru asked wrathfully.

I shook my head, not sure about which 'old man' he was talking about, but sure enough that my past was nothing but a blank space in my story, with some lucky little flashbacks here and there.

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