Chapter 55

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

Kurama was incredibly merciful by skipping through your memories.

He made sure you were able to see the flashes of your life between those two years, of course, but he didn't let you linger to much on the moment. You might've been annoyed by hat, but in reality he was just protecting you from your own emotions.

So, instead of focusing on the lack of time in each memory, you payed closer attention to what they held in them.

They were warm, cozy, even if they were brief.

You saw the first time you entered the mighty Sannin Temple, where the trio lived and trained; The first time you met baby Naruto, and he held your index finger with his whole little hand; The first night Orochimaru went to your bedroom and helped you calm down from a nightmare.

You saw Tsunade braid your hair, Orochimaru teach you more about Konoha and Jiraiya taking you and Naruto for a walk around the forest.

You saw you learning how to take care of baby Naruto and cooking and cleaning the house for when the Sannins had to go to the battlefield; You saw you staying awake two weeks straight, worried about the three of them, while you took care of Naru; And you saw as you cried and hugged them like crazy when they came back.

Celebrating your birthday, teaching you about their Jutsus and Ninja Techniques, helping you while you didn't get in the Academy, partying like there was no tomorrow when the war ended...

There were times where you would stay with the three of them; others when only one of your Godparents was able to stay with you; But after the war ended you were never alone.

You saw all that. You saw a family, one that took very good care of you while you grew up. One that had your back against the mean rumors and stares you received on the streets. A family....

That was until Orochimaru was discovered. You couldn't see his point of view, but you knew that was the night. When Jiraiya and Tsunade put you hastily to bed and went running to answer to a official Hokage call.

So you just sat back and watched as later that night, when Tsunade and Jiraiya still weren't back, Orochimaru went inside your room. Little you was sleeping, not a worry in the world.

You watched closely as Orochimaru sat on her bed and started stroking her hair, gently.. You could've swore you saw a pained, genuine smile on their lips. Like they didn't want to go away from you.

Slowly, and still groggy from sleep, little y/n started to wake up. Her little e/c eyes gleamed once she saw her Godparent.

"...chimaru-san" she muttered sleepily "You're back!"

"I am... But I came to say goodbye" their smile dropped, their face hardened with something close to sorrow.

"What do you mean...?" little you questioned "Are you... leaving again? When are you coming back?"

"I'm sorry my dear..." they said, their voice truly broken "But I'm not going back this time!"

Panic shone through your memories, almost as tangible as the tension in the air. She didn't want to lose someone close to her again.

"W-What? N-No, wait..." she sat up "D-Did I do something? A-Are you mad at me? I promise I can do better! P-Please... please don't leave me..." her voice broke as small tears started to gather on he corner of her eyes.

With no previous warning, Orochimaru held her in a close hug, squeezing it to the point where it was almost painful. But the pain you were feeling was another, as you watched Orochimaru's face become dark with pain and regret. Worry and guilt too.

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