Chapter 28

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

The sunlight woke you up gently. You slowly opened your eyes, feeling the weight of arms holding you tight. It took you a moment to realize what happened and remember the events of last night. Blushing is a weak word to describe your situation.

You turned to the other side of the bed, meeting Kakashi's pacific sleeping face. Even though you guys had stayed up all night having sex, seeing him like that seemed so... personal. Like you guys were really lovers!

How many girls have seen him like this? The back of your mind asked, and you forced yourself not to think about it. At least not right now.

Slowly and as carefully as you could, you removed a hair string from his face, being able to see his scar much more clearly.

Last night was dark and you couldn't really enjoy the beauty of his face. How much pain that single scar carried, but how it complemented to his own charm. It sorrowed you, but it also gave you a strange feeling of understanding.

You heard Kakashi groan and move a bit, bringing you closer to him before opening his eyes. His sleepy features were still showing, but it was possible to see the shimmer in his eyes once he saw he was holding you.

"Good Morning, n/n!" he said with his deep 'just-woke-up' voice, giving you the chills.

"Morning, Kashi" you answered, blushing a bit.

Kakashi chuckled before bringing you closer to him and kissing the tip of you nose.

"Did you sleep well?" he asked, making small caresses on your face.

"Like a baby" you answered "And you?"

"Like I haven't slept in years" he chuckled, before taking a second of thought "Are you sore anywhere? I did go a bit overboard yesterday..."

You blushed madly with the casual mention of yesterday events. You didn't think you were sore, but your legs did feel a bit woozy.

"I-I'm alright! Just my hips... and legs" you muttered.

"That's normal... It was your first time after all!" he sighed, smiling a bit "But enough of that, you must be hungry! What do you want for breakfast?" he asked getting up.

"Uhm... Pancakes!" you said excitedly, which earned a laugh from Kakashi.

"Pancakes it is then!" he putted on a shirt and bended over so that he could kiss you. He slowly backed off and said "Rest up. When the pancaked are done I'll bring them for you!" he smirked and left the room.

You giggled like a fan girl and fell back on the bed. You were so madly in love with that men. He cared for you, was hot and gentle. How could you not fall for him?

Some time later, he came back to the bedroom, holding a tray with a pile of pancakes and orange juice on it, enough for the both of you.

He sat down and you both started to eat. After a while of meaningless chat, he took your hands on his and started to analyze your black marks. You forgot all about them! They weren't hurting since last night and you didn't have your gloves on!

"I noticed it yesterday, but... what happened with your hands?" he had genuine concern on his voice.

You hesitated a bit, but figured you should just tell him at once. You weren't even sure you would be on Team 7 anymore.

So peace by peace, you told Kakashi about your month, leaving somethings out of it. For example, you decided not to tell Kakashi about Tenzou, but rather just tell him it was a random ANBU guard!

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now