Chapter 33

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~ 3rd POV ~

Your whole body shivered with the pure command in that simple phrase.

You looked to the direction of the voice, finding a boy that was approximately your height. His hair was red like the dawn and his eyes as green as the grass, but it was the mark on his forehead that caught your attention. 

The kanjis for 'love'.

Yet, the boy looked like he never knew what love was like.

Everyone's reaction was enough for you to know they had no idea he was there until he announced it. Sasuke and the Suna shinobis, Kankuro being the only one named until then, were the only one's who seemed scared about it.

"You bring shame to our Village" the boy said, still upside down on the branch.

Sakura, somehow, blushed by it. I think she has a degradation kink...

But, even thought the boy was beautiful, his chakra made you think of everything but his beauty. It made you wary and on the verge of passing out. You had seen a similar signature somewhere, but couldn't quite remember where...

You squinted your eyes hoping to avoid the incoming headache.

"Shukaku..." the growl on your mind made you open your eyes.

You weren't on the middle of the street anymore, looking and fearing the outsiders. Instead, you were on a well known part of your mind. A part where a certain demon enjoyed invading so that he could talk with you.

"What did you say?" you asked again, looking back at the bars locking Kurama away.

It seemed like yesterday when you first shared a room with Naruto and Kurama presented himself to you on your dreams. You first thought you were hallucinating, but his visits and energy made you realize it was far from being just another nightmare.

He insisted on visiting your dreams and mind for months before you actually told him to fuck off. The demon said that your energy naturally attracted him and, somehow, he took a liking on talking with you.

So you put a limit on it. You, somehow, also liked talking with him. Mainly when he had the best gossips and comebacks possible! Just like Naruto, he became kind of protective of you, saying that you were an important "piece".

You still didn't understand why he looked so shocked when you asked for his name. But how other way would you be able to gossip with him?

"Shukaku...." he answered again, now locking his eyes on you "That's the name of the wielder of the energy you're feeling" he grunted, standing up.

"And how do you know that?" you asked, getting closer to the bars.

Kurama also got closer, leaning a bit closer to your face. He was scary, but also a kind of cute...

"Because... Shukaku is the One Tailed Biju. The boy you are seeing must be his Jinchuriki, Gaara from the Sand." somehow the information did not shock you on the slightest. You figured he was some kind of important being, but the extra info on Shukaku was welcome.

"And why do you look so bothered about him?" you approached Kurama, petting his nose the way he always liked. You were basically inside the bars already, but neither of you were bothered by that.

"Because that lazy ass Raccoon always gives us extra work. Everything for him is just a joke! I wanna see if he'll think my claws on his face are funny too..." he grunted again.

You laughed, enjoying a bit of company where Kurama wasn't blabbering about hate and shit like that. He was nice, when he wasn't grumpy.

"Any advice for me?" you asked, knowing you wouldn't be able to stand much more the conversation without being missed in the physical world.

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