Chapter 58

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~ Your POV ~

Sai was in the next branch, around ten meters away, when Gaara got closer to me. He was within my reach.

Shukaku's power and overstimulating presence took over my senses, but I didn't flinch. Somehow I knew he wasn't there to attack us. At least not for now.

"How can I help you, Gaara-san?" I asked, getting into a relaxed position, even though my hand was still close to my kunai.

Gaara didn't answer. His cold, soulless eyes fixed on me.

"Where are you going?" he finally asked, dull.

"To the Tower" I answered and immediately regretted it.

I just gave him the crucial information that Sai and I had all the scrolls in our hands. And that we would be one of the first teams to arrive and complete the mission.

Gaara's eyes lit up with some distorted kind of fun. His face remained neutral, passive, but his eyes... nothing but the contemplation of murder resided in them.

"So you finished the job" he said "This is the second day we stay in this Forest and yet you and your partner have already concluded the task... Who did you kill for it?"

"Just another Genin Team that crossed our way" Sai answered, mercifully calm "It was a big coincidence that they had the scroll we needed" he smiled.

"Which Village?" Gaara asked, somehow seeing through our lie.

Sai was about to answer again, probably something rude and that would definitely get us caught on our lie when I interrupted.

"Kusagakure Genins. We had a fight with them by the beginning of the test..." I answered, knowing full well that at this point my Godparent would have already dealt with them. They wouldn't be back. "We were lucky they had the scroll we needed!" I smiled sweetly, brushing him off.

Gaara frowned, his expression something between disappointment and curiosity. But just as quickly as that ounce of expression came, it vanished.

"I see... So you have both scrolls now" he muttered, and I didn't need to look at Sai to know he tensed up under the Jinchuriki's stare.

"Yes, we do. But I don't think you came here because of them... Did you?" I asked, letting go of my nerves and assuming a much more confident position.

His green eyes looked back at me, amusement and curiosity concealed within them.

"We both know you much rather take it from someone more challenging than only two Konohagakure Genins..." I continued, unbothered "Plus, if you take the scroll you need now the fun will end too soon for you" I whispered.

He opened a cold smile and I knew then he didn't want to hurt us. I was right. He wanted to stay in this bloodbath for a while longer.

"You are indeed interesting..." he muttered, and I wasn't entirely sure if he was talking to himself or to me.

I stood there, impassively looking at him and praying to whoever would listen that Sai would stay quiet. Gaara sure took his time to continue.

"How do you know about the One Tail?" he asked, a bit more quietly so that Sai couldn't listen.

The question didn't take me entirely by surprise. He was bound to ask me that sometime. But yet, a feeling of dread spread through me and a shiver I couldn't contain made it's way through my scalp. The damned tanuki had that effect.  {Tanuki - Racoon}

"My, my... Aren't you the curious one?" I said, resting my hands on my hips like I didn't have a single care in the world "Didn't you know that curiosity killed the cat? Well... in your case racoon, I guess" I joked, my feelings mixed between desperation and confidence. It was thrilling.

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