Chapter 16

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~ 3rd POV ~

Tenzo gently nudge you with his elbow, as you drifted back to reality once more. It was the fifth time, just during morning training, that you wandered in space.

"You alright, (Y/n)?" he asked concerned, speaking as quietly as possible not to drag attention "You seem a bit tired and... off"

It is true that you weren't able to fall back asleep after... the dream. Tenzo was suprised to find you awake and ready when he went to your house at 5 am.

(For those who skiped the last chapter, (Y/n) dreamed of Kakashi in a... +18 way)

You did try to fall back asleep, considering that you woke up at 1 am, but everytime you closed your eyes, he came back. His face, scent, touch. It made sleep impossible to you.

"Yeah, I'm alright..." you answered, trying to focus once again "Just, had a strange dream this night. That's all"

He looked to you, concern shimering through his eyes. Both of you grew closer during the training weeks, to the point where he was your best friend inside the ANBU.

"Was it a nightmare?" he asked, a hint of curiosity on his voice.

"No!" even though it was weird and... well hony, you didn't think it was a nightmare at all "It was just... different. But nothing to worry about, Senpai!"

He noded, concluding it would be better not to mention it again. Instead, he went back to his position across from you, taking his kunai. There were no need for words, you already understood what he meant.

"Start!" he yelled, before both of your kunais hitted each other, the sound of metal invading the space.


"You ought to focuse the chakra not only on you feet, but in your whole body as well" Asuma said when you, once again, fell in the water.

You had already mastered the whole climbing a tree without hands and standing in clear water thing. It was pretty easy for you, but now you were training with waves.

Asuma was standing by the lake, perfectly dry with his cigarette, inducing waves to the water.He smirked when you cussed under your breath, getting up on the water once more.

It was midly frustrainting for you to be falling on water like that. The truth was that you were uncapable of focusing on the task at hand. Everytime you started to feel the chackra flow through your body, and came closer to achiving your goal...

Well, you fertil imagination would come up with all sorts of things. This time, you fell on the water for having a vivid image of Kakashi holding you from behind, while saying "Good job, kid" and softly biting you ear lobe.

"Time out" Asuma said, also realizing that you were not focused at all.

Dragging you feet, you finally reached the land. You were exhausted from the lack of sleep and from the redness that wouldn't leave your cheeks. So you just gave up and layed down beside your Sensei.

Asuma looked down at you, some kind of fun on his features. You were clueless to why he was like that, but the truth was that he knew everything.

For starters, he was one of Kakashi's best friends, so he already knew that the Jonin felt something for you. Second, he was inlove; therefore, he knew why you were acting so 'off'. And third, he overheard a conversation between Shikamaru and Neji, and the topic? You and your crush.

Of course that, he couldn't figure out what to do in the begining, that's why he told Kurenai and wanted advice. So, overall, Asuma, Kurenai, Neji, Shikamaru, probably Kurama and god knows who else knew your secret.

But the best part was that you had no idea. You were absolutly oblivious that, besides your male bestfriends, TWO of your teachers knew about it.

Pros: Kurenai and Asuma shipped you guys; they had never seen Kakashi that happy talking about a student and you seemed a lot more lively and open.

Cons: It was a very complicated relationship, if you guys even got together; the more people who knew about this secret, the greater the chance that it would reach the ears of the elders, or worse, that Kakashi would be used against you and vice versa.

"You okay there, kiddo?" Asuma asked, sitting with you.

"Considering that I just cannot focus and keep falling like a baby learning to walk, no I am not!" you were seriously pissed at yourself.

You had ANBU training, the backup of the elders and the most powerfull Jonin of Konoha and yet, you couldn't just set your feelings aside for two minutes.

Damn Kakashi Hatake! That beautiful son of a bitch...

"You are tense..." he said, expiring the smoke "I don't know what happend, but you need to losen up a bit"

"The problem is, I don't know either!" you groaned "Asuma-Sensei, what should I do!?"

You were truly desperate in your current situation. If you didn't do something, and fast, all of your hard work would go down the drain. Not to start that, if Danzou knew your improvement was dacaying, he would search for the reason. And most likely wouldn't like the answer.

"(Y/n) you've been working to hard!" he said "Try and take a day off. Go to the hot springs, read a book! All of your Senseis think you are improving fast, but you are still human and need rest"

He stood up, offering a hand to you. Once you got up, you looked at him in disbelirf.

"So your saying that I should just skip today's training? The others will be so mad if I don't show up and..."

You were cut by Asuma.

"All of us agreed on this. If you overwork yourself, there will be no improvements. Just, try and relax alright? And if you need anything, there are a lot of people willing to listen" he walked away, leaving you to the silence.

You groaned, mad at yourself rather than the others. They were right! You had been tense and overworked recently, not to mention that the dream knocked you off.

At your point of view, you were still not enough. You were mad because you were supposed to get through this trainment with no efforts. You were supposed to unlock your secret Kekkei Genkai and be as good as everyone else.

But, as all the Senseis and elders saw, you had been working hard and non-stop for almost three weeks straight. Your health, both mental and physical, weren't so good and, even though you were improving, you've reached a limit.

Honestly, everyone thought you would have reached that limit at the first week! But, even now, you didn't reach it. You were close to, but still didn't.

Sighing to yourself, you gave up. Maybe a nice day at the hot springs won't be such a bad idea...

And there you went. 

The rest of the day, you were soaking on the hot waters of the springs. Meditating and trying to rationalize your feelings, which was really hard.

You ended up leaving the springs when you couldn't differ yourself from a tomato. You went to eat a nice bowl of Ramen, chatted with TenTen and Hinata, and even got to play a nice game of Shogi with Shikamaru.

By the end of the day you were exhausted, but in a good way. You didn't have any trainment apart from the morning one and even so, your day was busy and... happy.

Biting of an apple and sitting on your bed, you opened the book you had started before all of this fuss. It was a good book, a mix of romance and action, which got you fixated.

For the first time, when your mind wandered off it didn't go to Kakashi. Your mind was empity, only filled with the lines of the fantasy book. It was relaxing and maybe just what you needed.

The feeling of just... normal. No Kakashi, no problems, nothing. You smiled to yourself once you felt what you didn't feel in a long while.

Around 22 pm, you slept with your book opened by your side. A peaceful and quiet slumber in which you didn't wake up not once. You felt restored, and you were ready to give your best at trainment.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now