Chapter 54

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

"Not so fast!" Jiraiya intervened before you could jump in his arms "She may trust you, but I don't!"

The sudden interaction made both of your versions freeze. Your younger one confused and your present one relieved. It's not that you didn't trust Orochimaru it was just... yeah no you didn't.

Orochimaru knew that too, but all he did was open a smirk.

"Oh Jiraiya... This way you might just make me sad. Aren't we teammates? Shouldn't we trust each other to go well on a mission?" they asked.

"Oh, I trust you with my life in the battlefield, all right" Jiraiya answered, putting you down by his side "But that doesn't mean I trust you with her!"

Orochimaru didn't seemed bothered on the slightest. Instead, he seemed to be already waiting for this reaction.

"And what, dearest friend, should I do to earn your trust? Little Y/n-chan has already made clear she wishes for me to be a part of her family!" he asked, intrigued an curious to know his mates answer.

Jiraiya stopped for a second, considering his next words carefully. You could see Tsunade tense behind them, her eyes alternating between her niece and her friends.

"A blood promise..." Jiraiya muttered, and you had to hold your breath to make sure you weren't hearing things.

The others seemed to do the same.

"W-What?" Orochimaru asked, the first time you heard him stutter.

"Y/n, love, come here..." Tsunade plead tensed, with her wide eyes fixed on Jiraiya.

You saw the little girl walk hurriedly, confused and scared about the whole interaction. Back then, she had no idea what that was. You did, and begged to the bigger forces for you to have misheard.

"I want you to make a blood promise with me!" Jiraiya said, this time louder and more confidently. He started to fold his sleeve up, not daring to break eye contact with the other Sage "Promise me that you will protect this girl and never even think about hurting her. Promise me that you will devote your life to make sure she is happy and well and pleased. Promise to be a family to her, to make her trust you as much as we do in the middle of a battle. Make me a blood promise of all that I won't doubt you again." he said "And, of course, you will be her godparent!"

Tsunade was pale, her arms wrapped around little Y/n; Orochimaru's smile faltered, his eyes wide with shock.

"So?" Jiraiya asked, offering his hand and bare forearm as if in a handshake "If you truly had no other intentions with her, you'll take it, right?"

You weren't breathing.

A Blood promise... One of the most dangerous Jutsus known, courtesy of the Second Hokage. Different from other Jutsus that require a lot of chakra and concentration, the Blood Promise Jutsu is considered a Rank S Jutsu and requires little quantity of chakra.

But a lot of concentration... and blood.

Basically, two individuals make a cut on their upper forearm and wait for the blood to stream down to their hands, reciting the Jutsu and implementing one's blood with it's own chakra as it does. Then, when they both have bloodied hands they grasp each others hands on a handshake, determining what the promise is to both parties. With this, they mix each other's blood and chakra and they are bound forever by that promise, till the day they both die. And if one of them break the promise, the only price acceptable by the Jutsu is blood. Therefore, one must be very clear on the terms of the promise, just to avoid any... casualties.

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