Chapter 32

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~ 3rd POV ~

You had already walked a few minutes before a small explosion sound picked your attention. It came from where Naruto and Konohamaru were. You took a few seconds to decide whether or not you were going to turn back. 

Well... there is sometime before Senpai come and get me for our training session today, and I am bored.... Meh, got nothing to lose!

You decided to turn back, taking your sweet time walking back the street. It was a peaceful day, you were surprised nothing out of the ordinary came up. 

Even the elder were quiet after all of that fuss. But once you heard Konohamaru's scream, ou decided to fasten your pace. What did the two of them do now? You asked yourself, with full knowledge that you little brother and your godson were not saints.

But the sound of a bird high in the sky made you stop on your tracks. A cold sweat made your whole body shiver.

Shinobi's usually communicated by birds, meaning different types of birds meant different kind of things. You were beginning this studies with Ibiki and Danzou, but you didn't get as far as knowing what each bird meant. Anyhow, that didn't stop you from having a terrible sensation.

I need to find Naruto and the others soon... perhaps they are in a bit of trouble.

You ran until you've reached a corner, where your legs almost gave up on you.

Standing there on the street were two unidentified shinobi's. You recognized their bandanas as Sunagakure's. You knew by some brief communication with Tenzou that Konohagakure would be the host of the Chunnin exam's this year, meaning other villages would come by. But, even though they were Genins, these guys seemed like problem.

The first one, a boy dressed in all black with strange purple makeup and some sort of weapon hidden on his back, had Konohamaru on his hand, lifting him from the ground.

Before you could even react to that Naruto, that was in front of Moegi, Udon and Sakura, charged at him. And before he could do any damage, the strange boy moved his fingers, making Naruto fall on his ass.

Puppeteer... you thought to yourself, now analyzing better his 'weapon'. It was a doll, and now you realized they were not on the same level as other Genins.

You came back from your thoughts once you heard the faint voice from Konohamaru, saying a faint "Stop it! It hurts!". And before you could have organized your thoughts, you were there, in front of the outsiders.

You didn't recall moving, and even if you did run, you couldn't have possibly arrived that fast. Completely in the shadows, with Naruto and the others on your back and the mysterious shinobi in front of you with his eyes widened. He didn't dare to drop Konohamaru though.

One look to both sides gave you enough answer: you teleported there. But how? You didn't learn anything about teleporting and you definitely didn't do it by accident. Plus, and even more extraordinary, your hands didn't hurt. If you had truly teleported, the amount of chakra you would have used would be more than enough to hurt you.

I need to talk with Danzou-sama about this later. But not right now. Now I just need to help them out.

With a swift movement, you did a spin as an impulse for the kick you gave the arm that raised Konohamaru. Whether by surprise or by the intensity of your kick, the attacker released your godson, and you took him in your arms.

Stelling him down, you started to check if he was okay. He was the grandson from the Hokage, the one you were incubated to care. You had a strong attachment with the boy.

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