Chapter 37

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~ 3rd POV ~

Back on the streets, you were now basically at the academy. Kakashi was walking behind you and you could feel Tenzou's chakra not so far away too.

Yesterday you all ended up uncapable of going to the academy, just like Team 7. So you ended up going home and had Kakashi cook you a delicious meal. This morning, after the Anbu training session with Sai, you went to eat with Naruto.

Later on, both Kakashi and Tenzou went to pick you up on your place so that you could go to the academy to finish all your business. Naruto said he wanted to go with Sasuke, so you didn't object. Mainly when they had so much to talk.

Once you entered though, you've encountered quite the racket. Tenzou was waiting outside with Kakashi, so you easily slipped through the cracks of the crowd to see what was the issue. Just as you did, you found Lee on the ground, beaten.

Standing up, were Tenten and Neji. You approached them, giving off questioning looks to your best friend. He answered with a simple shrug of shoulders.

"Are you really trying out for the Chunin exam when you can't even pass through us?" a boy said standing in front of the door.

"Seriously, why don't you just give up before things get dirty for your side?" the boy next to him said, smugly.

Both of them wore the Konoha symbol on their bandanas, but they didn't seem that eager to help out fellow Genins from the same village!

But they did seem familiar, even though you were sure you hadn't seem them before.

"Oh please!" Tenten started, getting up from where she was helping Lee "We need to get in there..."

She tried walking up to them, but received a left hook on her cheek instead. That was enough for you to hold Neji by his arms. He was about to go off on him for punching her, by you couldn't let him do that. You knew he would kill the boy for touching Tenten.

"This wasn't really nice, now was it?" you said ahead of yourself.

"Not very nice you said..." the first boy said "You're being to naive! The exam is going to make this seem like a walk on the park"

Neji gave you warning eyes, still pissed by how Tenten was treated. But you didn't dare to remove your hand from his elbow.

"I think you should let us decide whether we can or not do this" you blurted.

"We are actually being kind to you by telling you before hand!" the second boy said "The Chunin exam is no joke. Some of you might be insane afterwards; some might not even come out alive of it..." he laughed.

"You brats are just playing ninja, running around not taking shit seriously" the first boy said, stepping forward "Why don't you let the real ninjas take care of this while you babies go back to your moms"

The two boys laughed as you started to feel your blood boil. You already felt the chakra of your team when they arrived, but didn't bother enough to look at them.

"This isn't a place for cute little frail girls like you guys" the second boy also stepped forward "Go home play with dolls or something"

You started to see red at this point. You didn't have your arm on Neji's elbow anymore, but he didn't advance. Instead, he was looking at you. He had a lot of time to train with you and your emotions, plus he was your bestfriend. He knew you were on verge of doing something reckless...

"Cute speech" Sasuke said, once he saw you were on the verge of breaking everything down "But now we have to pass, so scram both of you" 

Sakura and Naruto didn't leave their places and had their faces steady once they passed through you. You closed your eyes, trying to focus your emotions deep down, to achieve that emotionless face you saw for months at the Anbu.

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