Chapter 6

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"W-What!?" Sakura said, in pure shock.

Sasuke shook his head, disappointed on himself for not figuring it out earlier. Naruto looked as confused as ever. Kakashi sighed as you chuckled.

"Could you please explain, (y/n)?" Kakashi said in a soft voice.

It was really... strange. He was literally on top of Sasuke, stepping on him, and still he was speaking with you in a loving tone.

"Sure thing, Sensei" the way you said it, in a shy, embarassed way, made Kakashi blush "Well, there is no way a Genin could take down a Jonin. The only thing we had that beated Kakashi-sensei was our number!"

Sakura looked pissed because I figured it out sooner. Sasuke looked kinda impressed at my simple train of thoughts. And Naruto finally understood the meaning.

"Yeah, but now it's too late" Kakashi said, returning the atention to him "If you had worked together as a team, you might have taken the bells out of me! But it doesn't matter anymore. It's over!"

Everyone seemed disappointed and sad, even a little angry, but said nothing. You were all still in shock from the news.

"You brought four people together, but they only had two rattles!" Sakura said, curious and angry "If we had acted as a team and taken the bells, only two of us would win! This would have generated a conflict and the separation of the team"

"Exactly! I wanted to confront you on purpose" Kakashi said, as if it were the most obvious thing "I wanted to see if you could get over this and put the team first"

He gave you a brilliant look, as if you were the only one who would ever understand that.

"A Genin must have a natural instinct for teamwork, but it never crossed your mind"

The others looked ashamed. The sensei basically told that none of you were Genins, even though he looked at you at a different way.

"For example" he continued, unbothered by the youngers faces "Sakura!"

The pinkette jumped, slightly suprised. She soon recovered and looked at the Jonin, listening close.

"You were so busy with Sasuke that you disappeared. Naruto was right in front of you and you didn't move a finger to help him. In the end, (y/n) you had to help him" Kakashi scolded.

Sakura blushed in embarassement, ashemed for not helping a companion. On the other hand, she looked angry because you helped him. Like somehow, she was told off because of you.

"Naruto, you did everything yourself. Everything." Kakashi scolded the blonde.

Your little brother looked down, recoganizing his own mistake.

"You, Sasuke, you think the others don't get to you. It's arrogant" he looked at the dark haired boy under his feet.

The Uchiha was basically growling at the Jonin, but didn't say a word.

"And as for you, (y/n), you are to selfless. Don't get me wrong, it is a good trace, but you keep putting everyone above you and it's not healthy!" he looked dearly at you.

He was speaking the truth and you knew it. You always made sure everyone was alright, and this usually made you not okay. You nodded once, understanding what he was saying. But oh boy it was gonna be difficult for you to narrow it down.

"Ninja missions are done in teams. You need individual skills, but teamwork is essential. Every Shinobi knows it," Kakashi said, still on top of Sasuke "When individuals get on top of the team, it only leads to failure. And death ... "

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now