Chapter 56

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

By the middle of the morning, you and Lord Hiruzen were inside the Anbu facility. The place was as dark and cold as you remembered. Maybe just a bit more damp than usual.

Your little self was gripping tight onto the Third Hokage's clothes, shivering from the invisible eyes in the darkness. She was being watched and, though she had no ideia by who, you knew there were hundreds of Anbu guards studying the threat. Mainly one that was too close to the Hokage.

"Don't worry, don't worry~" Hiruzen tried to ease her worries, his hands firmly pressed behind his back "This place looks scarier than it actually is. You're going to be in very good hands my dear!" he smiled, making a fresh wave of relief wash your emotions.

His words might have had an effect on you back then, but you knew better. You knew that, even though you were only a child, these Anbu agents wouldn't hesitate to end you if they saw the tinny tiniest bit of a threat in you. No matter what the Hokage said, they only obeyed Danzou-sama.

Lucky, or unlucky, for little you, Danzou himself was standing in the end of the corridor you and Lord Hiruzen were passing.

"What are you doing here, Hiruzen?" his voice was cold when he asked.

"Oh my... Is that how you greet old friends this days, Danzou?" Hiruzen asked lightly, with a big bright smile.

"When they show up uninvited when I am in the middle of an important class? Yes." he answered dryly, but still started to walk forward to meet you in the middle of the corridor "Now, state your purpose here. You too, are a very busy men, so let's not waste each other's time!"

"So professional..." Hiruzen murmured, making a quick tsk tsk tsk. Then, recovering from his friend's rudeness, he put his hands on top of your little head, patting your h/c hair and turning back to Danzou "I believe you and young Y/n haven't met yet, correct?"

Danzou's eyes finally fell on you, analyzing your whole body with a curious eye. Then, without turning his eyes away from you, he simply answered "No."

Hiruzen, visibly frustrated, sighed and kept his cool as he insisted "Well then, allow me. Danzou, this is the young leader of the L/n clan, Lady Y/n. She's now under my care, just like Naruto Uzumaki." Danzou made a grimace for Naruto's name, but his eyes still twitched with interest by the mention of your clan... and by the fact the Hokage himself had just called you 'Lady', no doubt "Y/n, dear, this is Lord Danzou Shimura, director of the Anbu facility."

Danzou eyed you again, taking a few second to decide what to do before bowing in respect to you and saying as politely as possible: "It is a true pleasure to meet you, Lady Y/n. Please let me know if you need anything in the future!"

Little you, obviously frustrated, copied the man before her in a clean mesure.

"A-Ah! Thank you, D-Danzou-sama! It's a pleasure to meet you too, sir..."

"And, that's precisely why I have brought her here today..." Hiruzen, started. Danzou got up from his measure and eyed his friend, both curiosity and suspiciousness shinning there. At this point, Hiruzen's humor and animosity was gone "Y/n has had direct contact with Orochimaru, nothing prevents her from having been in one of their millions of hiding places."

"And what is it you want me to do?" Danzou asked cynically.

"I want you to search into her mind to find any other hideout of theirs we are not aware of." Little you was starting to get nervous. All that talk about her mind and memories was a bit... sensitive "Then, I want you to erase all memories she has-"

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