Chapter 11

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~Your POV ~

I woke up to the sound of knocking. It was still dark, but I was sure it was morning. Even though I went to bed late at night, I got up and walked to the door.

To my suprise,  no one was there. I looked around to the hallway, but it was empty as well. Am I really going crazy now?

I closed the door, glancing over to the kitchen's clock. 4.34 am... Why the fuck am I up this early?

Sighing, I go back to my room and jumped on the bed. I needed sleep if I really wanted to get the best out of my training today.

Adjusting myself on the bed, I had the feeling that someone was looking at me. Again, knocking took me out of the possibility of sleeping. This time, I realized that the knock was not on my door ...

I fell off my bed when I realized that an Anbu was outside my window. His cat mask, with green and red accents, hid his features, but I could tell he was laughing.

Still sleepy, and now ashamed and in a bad mood, I opened the window and allowed Shinobi to enter.

"I know you are an Anbu, but what are you doing here?" I asked, massaging my head.

"My name is Tenzo and I am a part of Lord Danzou's team" he said, bowing on one knee like we did with the elders. It was a bit embarassing, but I knew that's how they were trained "I was send to wake you up for your training today, Lady (L/n)"

The 'Lady' thing was a bit too much for me. But even so, I took a deep breath and looked at the Anbu under me.

It was clear that he was my superior and older than me, but he was still treating me like royalty. Is this Danzou's doing?

"At 4.30 am? Really?" I asked, dropping into my bed.

Tenzo got up and looked at me. It was clear that I was nervous and tired already.

"I know it's a bit to early, but these are Lord Danzou's direct orders, My Lady" he sat next to me "You are going to be having an intensive amount of training. Some will be with us back at the Anbu, like today! I will be acompaning your training and reporting it to Lord Danzou, so you will be seeing me a lot..."

It was obvious that he wanted to help my mood a bit, and it was honestly helping.

"So... am I supposed to call you Senpai?" I joked, making him laugh a bit as well.

"You better get ready. Once you're done, I'll personally scort you to the building" he dodged the question, getting up and leaving the room.

After grumbling and stretching, I finally got up and started to change. It didn't take me long and when I left the house, Tenzo was already waiting for me.

The sun was still far away from rising and the whole Village was asleep. Even so, adrenaline was all over my body.

It took us less then 20 minutes to get to the facilities, where Lord Danzou was already waiting for us.

Both me and Tenzo bowed down in respect to him, with wich he replied witha quick "Up".

Once we got back on our feet, he opened his arms awaiting for my hug. Of course that I jumped right into it, completly ignoring the Anbu behind us.

"You can already remove your mask Tenzo" Danzou said, separating from our hug "Dear, he will show you where you are going to change and your schedule. Once you are done, meet me on the training grounds." he said, directed to me.

"Of course, Gramps!" I said, following close behind Tenzo.

It has been quite some time since I last entered this place. But even though my memory wasn't perfect, I could tell not a single thing changed.

Tenzo lead me to the changing room, where I was given anbu clothes and a bunny mask. I changed into my attires quckly and Tenzo gave me my agenda.

Looking at it, it was death. My days would start at 5 am and finish at 11 pm. Classes would be as hard as ever, but things would pay off. I was sure of it. I was just hoping I could be able to keep up with them.

Luckly, Tenzo- senpai would be by my side 24/7, helping me and reporting my development. He was a nice guy, around Kakashi's age. Maybe they knew each other?

My thoughts wandered around till they stopped at team 7. They should be on their way to the Land of Waves right now. How were they doing?

"Hey..." Tenzo brought me back from my thoughts "It will be alright, you know? I will be by your side, no matter what!" he said, releasing a bit of my tension.

"Thank you Senpai!"

"Drop the 'Senpai'"

"Only if you drop the 'Lady'"

"Not happening..."

"So you've got your answer!"

We joked a bit until we've reached the training grounds, full of Anbus. I sighed, antecipating my very busy day.

Here goes nothing... I thought to myself, entering beside Tenzo.


HEY GUYS! I'm back lol.

I recently saw that a lot of you have been saving my story to read later, just like some of you are liking and only reading. You have no idea of how much this makes me happy!

Don't forget to vote and share if you liked this fanfic! Also, if you'd like, please comment here and there. You can correct me if I do any dumb mistake or you could just comment anything.

Quick question: would you guys like me to describe (Y/n)'s trainment through the month, or just some important parts...? Comment what you guys want!

Love you all, stay safe and hidrated <3

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