Chapter 30

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~ 3rd POV ~

You came home just to plop onto your bed. You were exhausted, both mentally and physically.

As soon as your team left the Hokage's office, you all decided to drop by Ichiraku's to celebrate the news with a delicious bowl of ramen.

After that, Sasuke went off to training; Sakura was determined to buy a new dress; Kakashi had to finish his report since he was... distracted last night; and Naruto was hanging out with Shikamaru, Choji and Kiba.

The last group did invite you to go with them, but your bones were begging for some peace and quiet. Plus, you thought it would be nice for them to have a bit of "boys time". 

So there you were; all alone laying on your bed, staring at the ceiling, silently recapping all that happened in the last 24h. And not so silently turning into a tomato.

You were almost grabbing the nearest pillow to shout at it when a sound caught your attention. A light tapping coming from the kitchen's window. Maybe it's a cat... you tried to convince yourself, but sat straight up anyways.

Your concentration shifted to the chakra around your area, doing a quick scan on the size of each being in a 50 m raid from you.

That's definitely not a cat... You thought when you encountered the chakra of the person standing in front of your kitchen window.

Before you could analyze the chakra to see if it was somehow familiar, the knocking sound returned, but this time louder.

So with a kunai in hand, you slowly approached the kitchen, your feet as silent as they possibly could. As soon a you stepped in the kitchen, your hand grepped a bit tighter in the kunai, seeing who was standing there, with a sword in hands and a natural instinct to kill.

"Senpai?" you asked, lowering your weapon "What are you doing here?"

"Are you going to just stand there and watch me out here?" the masked one said, making you giggle.

You opened the kitchen's window and welcomed Tenzou inside your house. He waited for you to close the window and get a bit far from it to remove his mask. His hair fell free in his eyes, making it slightly uncomfortable for him.

"Someone need to get a haircut, huh?" you joked, removing the hair out of his eyes and pinning hair with a bobby pin.

"Perhaps..." he laughed "Thanks"

"No problem!" You smiled "Sooo... what did you want to tell me?" 

He shifted his weight, slightly bothered by the theme he was about to jump in. He really liked you and your company; he saw you as a younger sister of some kind, so telling you what he was about to could make things a bit... weird between the two of you.

"Y/n, you know how much I care for you, right?" he started off, trying to find a way to soften what he needed to say "And I not only want the best for you; I also want you to be happy!"

"Senpai... where do you want do go with this?" you asked, bracing yourself for the worst.

He took in a deep breath.

"You know that I am your bodyguard, yes?"

"Yes, Danzou-sama assigned you to me on my first day" { -sama - suffix of respect/kind of a sir/ma'am thing}

"And so you know that I have to follow you everywhere, right?"

"I don't see where your going with thi-"

"EVERY. WHERE. Y/N" he emphasized.

"I get it, but why are you- OOOOOO" the realization hit you like a brick "You don't mean you..."

He nodded, his cheeks growing a right red.

"Oh shitfuckshithsitshitshit" you started to pace around as you realized your situation.

Your senpai, the one who worked for Danzou, knew you and Kakashi had sex. How much worse can it be?

"I-I-I don't see a problem in that!" he blurted out "I-I just wanted to tell you to be careful. I mean... I almost saw something I didn't really wanted too and... what if someone else was following you?"

He wasn't exactly scolding you, even though he wanted to shout at you for his own embarrassment. His senpai and his kouhai... The moans still haunted him like a nightmare.

You just kept your head down, looking at your feet trying not to bury yourself on the earth.

"But hey..." he called out again "Be careful, okay? Kakashi is an amazing shinobi and no doubt a great friend, but... his skills with women never went much after one night. I don't want to see you get hurt" he sighed.

"I...I understand. Really I do, but when I am with him everything just seems... right!" you whispered.

Your senpai smiled at you, but his worries didn't magically fade away.

"You just need to be careful, ok? It's not everyone in this village that can take so lightly your relationship. Mainly with the age difference..." you nodded, agreeing to his words "Now let's end this matter. Come here!" he dragged you into a hug, and you eagerly cuddled in.

After setting up other matters, such as schedule and other stuff, Tenzou bid his farewell and jumped off the window. Leaving you and your feelings to be. 

But it was a single word that Tenzou said that got hard in your head. Relationship. Did Kakashi think you guys were something beyond just fucking? Did you think you were something beyond that? Were you guys Boyfriend and Girlfriend? Fuck buddies?

Your thought didn't leave you alone, from the moment he left to the moment you wnt to sleep, cuddling Naruto in your arms.

Should I even ask him?

If I do...

Will I like the answer?


HEY GUYS! Sorry, short chapter....

It's been a while since I've posted, right? Sorry about that. 

Anyhow, I hope you guys enjoyed the last few chapters. The problems are starting to rise again!

Also, would love to know if you guys would like me to continue with naming each chapter "Chapter #" or if you would like me to give them proper names!

Love ya'll, stay safe.

xoxo, Katoka-chan <3

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