Chapter 17

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~ 3rd POV ~

"AGAIN!" shouted Danzou, while giving you particular classes.

It is the middle of the Third Week, giving you more two weeks of trainment.

You have been more focused then ever, and the results were showing itselfs good. Not once since your day off have you lost your focus.

Okay, MAYBE you daydream about one thing or two during your lonely nights, but aside from that you have been sharp!

The elders and your teachers have been proud of you, saying even that you were acting like a different person. That day off really was what you needed.

Once you knocked another one of the ANBU out, Danzou gave a discrete smile and alowed a small break.

You walked up to him, giving him a bow, before redirecting yourself to the table. You were getting water when you felt his presence behind you.

"You are quite focused recently, (Y/n)" he said "Is there anything to stimulate you?"

"I don't think so, Gramps" you said, with a bright smile "I just think that I need to take things a bit more seriously..."

"I see... Well, if that's the case then-" he was interrumped when you grunted in pain.

A burning sensation started on the palm of your hand. It was terrible and agonizing. Never in your trainings you felt something like that.

It seemed as someone was threading a burning needle on your bare hand. 

Danzou immediatly took your hand in his, while telling an ANBU to go take a doctor.

"Breath (Y/n)!" he demanded "You are fine, just breath..."

But his face told you otherwise. His eyes were widened in shock and, even though he didn't want to freak you out, he was panicking.

It was truly bizarre.

As the pain grew, a dark mark spreaded throughout your hand. It was like a weird birthmark, but pitch black and both in and out your hand.

Danzou himself had never seen something like that. As for you, you never felt such pain. And you had a high tolerance to pain.

He kept gently brushing the mark with his thumb, in hope that it would ease your pain. It didn't.

Luckly, in a few minutes, a doctor came and started to analyse your hand.

"Uhm... that is odd..." he mumbled "Did you burn yourself?"

"No... It actually just appeared!" you answered "Do you know what this is?"

"I have to run some exams, but I do have a theory..." the doctor said.

"Just spit it out already" said Danzou, without any patience.

"Due to stress, her body found an unhealthy way to cope" the doctor started "This is probably a skin disease, but I need to do some search..."

"What does this mean?" Danzou asked.

"I can still train, right?!"

"Yes, yes ofcourse!" the doctor tried to calm both of you "It's just going to hurt occasionaly, but I can fix that..."

"Good. Make it fast then!" Danzou hated to know you were in pain and, therefore, was stressed and angry.

Dangerous mood for a man like him.

The doctor quickly left, ready to do something about your hand.

As for you, even though the pain was still excruciating, you putted on a smile and went back to the ring. You were determined and inspired and, though you wanted to cry, you still continued training.

I hope this doesn't last forever...

-- Time Skip --

You were with Tenzo after you, finally, finished training. The pain in your hand wasn't unbearable anymore, but it was still considerably high.

Even so, you kept fighting and concentrating like a champ. Your Genjutsu class with Kurenai was actually pretty relaxing, more like meditation, wich helped the pain to calm down to the point it ceased for a whole hour.

But it soon returned when you went to the Hyuga's house and started to manipulate your chakra. Then, the pain went so high that you had to ask for a break.

It was strange really. When you were fighting that strange spot on your hand was just unconfortable; when you were concentrating and meditating to calm your chakra, the pain would just vanish; but when you fought using your chakra, the pain was terrible.

Could it be that... whatever this is, is related to my chakra?

"What's on your mind, (Y/n)" Tenzo asked, pulling you from your thoughts.

"Huh? Oh, nothing much..." you answered, looking at your hand.

"How about I treat you dinner? You did great today!" he said smiling.

While you had classes, Tenzo would alway be wearing his ANBU attires and mask, usually behind a tree or hidden. But when it was just the two of you he'd usually remove his mask and talk.

Of course, you didn't even dream of removing your own mask. You were beautiful, truly someone way up then the average, but you weren't confident.

No one ever told you that you were cute or pretty, and adding up to your insecurities, you swore you wouldn't take out your mask.

Naruto, Lord Third and Lord Danzou were the only one's to ever see your whole face. Even Kurama wasn't able to see it, and you intended to keep it that way.

You nodded, starving for some ramen on Ichiraku. But the thoughts on your head didn't vanish....

Well, at least there will be new thoughts keeping you up at night!

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