Chapter 38

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"Yo! Guy-Sensei!" you called from the balcony, diverting everyone's attention to you "Hope my boys aren't causing any trouble"

You heard fight sounds as soon as Kakashi let you go. Running towards it, you found Sasuke and Lee in, what seemed to be, the end of a heated fight. Guy was already handling the situation, but you knew that he was always too dramatic and Sasuke was really short tempered. He wouldn't have enough patience for his 'passionate' lessons.

Things would go really bad if you didn't drag the attention to you.

"Hello Y/n! Do not worry about it! My Lee was the one who started this atrocious act" he looked madly to his mini version "But then again, how could I be mad for someone so youthful" he started crying, and you could have sworn a sunset was forming behind him.

"I'm glad to hear we didn't start anything" you said calmly, walking down the stairs, towards Sasuke "Still, I'm sorry for any give trouble" you gave a close eyed smile.

"Oh Y/n! You're always so determined and full of the sweet youth! It makes me even more determined to teach and live and..." he continued to blabber, so you took that as your chance to leave.

Lee was bandaging his hands, waiting for his Sensei to stop. Me and Naruto took a glance at the poor boys hands. Stiches and bruises and cuts surrounded his hands, proof of his own hard work.

"Don't say" you stopped Naruto before he could say something about it "Leave it alone, is for the best" he nodded after some consideration and started to walk off.

Guy was still talking when you walked up to Sasuke. His gaze fixated on the ground, nothing but pure hate and confusion exhaling from him.

"Sasu-" you were cut off by Guy, who shouted to Lee.

"Lee! They're leaving! Get yourself to the class safely too, ok?"

"Yes, sir!" Lee shouted back, equally excited.

"I wish the best of luck for each one of you! Lee, give it your best!" he gave his student a thumbs up before vanishing in a cloud of smoke.

"What in the-" you heard Sakura start, but then again she was cut off by Lee.

"Sasuke-kun!" he called, obtaining the attention from the boy.

From then on, he said everything possible to piss off Sasuke. From saying that he wasn't the best to the Uchiha was only training time for him, Lee gradually started to irritate Sasuke more and more. No one was able to stop him, because no one was understanding shit.

Sakura was completely in shock, while Naruto didn't even understand what the hell was that. You just kept close to Sasuke, making sure he wasn't about to jump in and fight again.

But before you could say something about it all, Lee turned to you and took a bow.

"I know we have almost the same age, but you are one of the people I respect the most!" he said eagerly. You don't even know me... "I can see why Neji chose you!" he said finally getting back up and, with a final death stare towards Sasuke, he fled.

"Can someone please explain to me what just happened?" Naruto asked.

"I am just as confused..." you answered.

"I don't know what happened, who this people are, and what the fuck they just said" Sakura said "But it doesn't seem good..." she completed, taking a look at Sasuke's figure.

His Sharingan was activated, but he was as still as a statue. You knew that if you hugged him, you would most likely get slapped. The pinkette thought the same, seeing that she took a step back.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now