Chapter 13

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~ 3rd POV ~

It has been around a week since you had the talk with Lord Third, and your mind was a bit more at ease.

You still had daily classes with all of the other Senseis, but you also had a bit more time for yourself. The elders agreed it would do you some good.

At this time, you also got familiar with the other Anbus, even though the closest you got was Tenzo (Captain Yamato, later on).

Everything was pretty good. You learned and bound with each and every Sensei, and they took a special liking at you.

For example, you practise a lot of Genjutsu with Kurenai-sensei. But she also gives you tips and talks about feminine things, like a mother.

Asuma-sensei and you have been revising over and over chakra control and ninjutsus. But he also enjoys your company for a game of Shogi and a nice meal.

Normally, Hiashi-sensei would make you spare with Neji. Therefore, you have been spending quite some time with the Hyuga. Your friendship has grown considerably.

Ibiki-sensei taught you everything about a persons mind. It was fun and useful, and you also turned out to be one of his soft spots.

Shikaku and you were already familiar with each other. Since you were little and hung out with Shikamaru, Choji and Naruto, he always liked you.

Now, he revised with you strategies and ninjutsu. He repassed some scrolls and things like that with you, and when he allowed you to have some time out, you would play Shogi with him and Shikamaru.

Not to mention all the Senseis back at the Anbu. Even though at first you thought only Lord Danzou would teach you, reality presented itself a bit harsher.

You have at least five other Senseis back at the Anbu facilities. One specialy to teach you sword management; other to teach you taijutsu; other to teach you a bit of medical ninjutsu; and some others.

Yes, it was exausting, but it was fun. Even though your mind still wandered to Team 7 and the mission you couldn't go, you were certaint that you esforces would pay off.

But that was the other problem. Team 7.

When you were distracted, all of your thoughts would go specially to your team, now far away from you. Each and everyone that was a part of your team would be on your mind.

You worried about your little brother; about your closest mate; about the only other girl in the team; about your most forbidden crush.

Unfortunantly for you, the last one seemed not to leave your mind. Might it be the darkest hours of night or the most exaustive of your training, Kakashi habitated your mind.

And of matter, you wasn't able to discuss with anyone. Kurenai would think is just a teenage crush; Asuma would have no idea what to do; Ibiki would be even worse!

Don't even get started on how the elders would react...

And, for your luck, the majority of your friends were male. Some were gay and some were pathetic, but you had the feeling you needed to put this out of your chest. 

Only two people came to your mind, and luckly one of them was with you right now. The top of the Mount Hokage, you and Neji were having a lovely lunch break before resuming to your chores.

At first, you guys were only chatting and enjoying the good picnic. But soon, again, your mind threw itself on Kakashi Hatake, leaving you a confused blushing mess.

"Third time..." muttered Neji, sipping from his tea cup.


"It is the third time you adjust your mask, furrow your eyebrows and grumbles. I think something is troubling you..." he answered, not bothering to take his eyes off the view "Wanna talk about it?"

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