Chapter 2

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~Your POV~

I woke Naruto up gently, shaking his shoulders a little. The night before was quite stressing, but he managed to get through. More impressevely, he was a Genin!

He woke up a bit groogy, glancing over to me. "Onēsan?"

I give him a sweet smile, it was good to know he was awake for the day of the group sorting. But...

"OUCH" he said when my fist met his head.

"NEVER EVER AGAIN DO SOMETHING AS STUPID AND RECKLESS AS THIS! UNDERSTOOD?" I yelled, making sure that he wasn't sleepy anymore.

"Yes! Yes!" he whined.

"Good... Now get up and get ready!"

He grunted a bit, but eventually got up and went to the bathroom.

Today is the day! I said to myself I'm finally a Genin and will be in a group and will have missions! Nothing can make this day bad!

~~ time skip ~~

I was sitting in my usual spot in the back of the class. Even though Naruto and I treat each other like brother and sister, we barely talk with each other at school. We were complete opposites really. I sitted on the back, didn't really talk to anyone, had a low profile and was in the top of the class.

On the other hand, he was loud, obnoxious and really funny. For exemple, right now I was observing as he looked at Sasuke, centimiters from his face, and drawing the attention of every single girl. I couldn't help but see that Sasuke was blushing a bit. Maybe all the attention just embaresses him?

But WOW. Everything escalated quickly. Someone accidentaly pushed Naruto to the front, making him kiss Sasuke. I almost didn't have time to cover my mouth, forbidding myself to laugh.

All the girls were already onto Naruto, beating the living shit outta him. Poor little bro... I know he didn't came out of the closet for the rest of the village, but still.

Not long after, Iruka-sensei entered and calmed everyone down.

"Well class, tpday yoou all wil be separated in groups! BLA BLA BLA" Iruka-sensei continued to talk about why and how for a couple of minutes before  starting to say the Teams.

"Team 7: Haruno Sakura, Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto and (l/n) (y/n)!" I got up and went to sit with my team. Great... I'm not upset that I am with Naruto, but still the team doesenn't seem so great. Well, at least our sensei can be! "Your sensei will be Hatake Kakashi!"

My heart dropped. Oh no... Hatake Kakashi was known for not letting anyone pass! Oh shitshitshitshit.

Naruto noticed how I was disturbed and holded my hand, giving me a small smile. I nodded. Everything will be alright, I said while Iruka-sensei dismissed us for lunch.

I got up and went to the little tree I usually ate lunch alone. Everything will be alright, right?

~~ time skip/third person POV ~~

Far away from the Academy, at the house Naruto and (y/n) shared, the Hokage and their future sensei were talking. The Jonin stopped at the room they shared; one side was clean and organized, while the other was a total mess. Kakashi let out a heavy sigh and went back to the kitchen.

"We already went to Sakura Haruno's house" he started, with a bored tone as he remembered the welcoming family "And to Sasuke Uchiha's" the memory of the impeccable room, like an ANBU.

The Hokage looked at the contemplative shinobi, waiting for him to finish his thoughts. He never really did, but instead asked a question.

"Who's house are we in again?" he knew pretty damn well.

"Naruto Uzumaki's" said the Third, knowing full well how it would affect Kakashi. "And (l/n)'s house"

"Why do they share?" this was a genuine question!

"(Y/n) is a very powerful, but rather strange girl... She has, somehow, the blood of all the important clans. This includes the Uzumaki's" Lord Third said, not having to finish his sentence.

Powerful and strange, huh? contemplated Hatake. Well this is going to be interesting! He smirked to himself.

~~ time skip/your POV ~~

I took my sweet time to get back to class. On my way there I met Kurenai-sensei, the Jonin from team 8. She looked like a sweet person, but just like always I didn't wanted to talk.

Instead I just gave the whole team a light nod, following back to the class. I arrived only to find my camrades protesting over our sensei's punctuality. Even Iruka-sensei wasn't in the class anymore.

I passed throught Sakura and Naruto, keeping my head down and my thoughts to myself. Gee... is this really my team? I looked around to get the whole picture. We looked like anything BUT a team.

Sakura was scolding Naruto, that was about to prepare a mindless prank to our sensei, WICH HAPPENS TO BE A JONIN, but whatever. Sasuke was acting like an emo snob, not even looking at our faces. And last, but not least me. A weirdo that only wants peace and quiet, and is currently studing her camrades.

This is going to be a loooong year...

As soon as laid back, ajusting once again my mask, the door slid open. The person that walked in was a tall and strong shinobi. His gravity defying silver hair added to his misterious look. Even though he only showed like 20% of his face, I could tell that he was beautiful.

Wait...WHAT? Nononononono, bad (y/n)! His your new sensei, NOTHING MORE!

My admiration only lasted on second, even though I could continue on and on. But I stopped as I realized that the chalkboard eraser fell on him. Sakura immediately started to apologise, leavingNaruto's laughs to fill the rest of the silence.

Did he seriously though the prank succeded? Like, it is pretty obvious that a Jonin would be able to dodge that, wich leaves me wondering... why?

Anyhow, I smirked a little bit to the image of Naruto having fun. His laugh was really the only thing I was able to enjoy. But my entertainment didn't last long, as I noticed our sensei looking at us.

He slowly analized each and every one of us, like we were his next mission. His gaze stopped at me and I felt my heart race. Why the actual fuck?

I didn't know if I should stare back or just cut our shared gaze, but my panic spoke to me and made me break it. Somehow, he looked amused with my action.

"My first impression of you all..." Kakashi-sensei started, breaking the silence "Is that you are all idiots!"

I wheezed trying not to laugh, and failing miserably. Naruto was already screming at the sensei, while Sakura looked almost heartbroken. Sasuke, as always, was not caring. But Kakashi was not looking at any of them. He was looking at me, with a rather curious expression.

I stopped laughing, feeling the blush cover my cheeks. Thank goodness I wear a mask! But what if I actually made sensei mad?

His eyes pierced my soul, shining with something I couldn't really sort.

Well... this is going to be an interesting year!


Hello again! Hope you all liked part 2!

Love, Katoka-Chan

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