Chapter 5

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

Kakashi had his attention completly on you. He didn't seem tired at all, while you were panting pretty hard. Your gaze shifted from the Jonin to the bells, and back to him.

He was truly interested in you. It wasn't every day that a Genin was able to do a Jutsu, even if flawed, like you did.

And, even though you were not in your best appearence, Kakashi thought you looked beautiful. Mainly panting like that, he imagined you panting in... other situation.

You observed as your Sensei covered his face with the mask, noticing a light blush on his cheeks. Cute... you thought to yourself.

It was well known that Kakashi Hatake was quite the 'Womanizer', sinse half of the village had a huge crush on him. There were even rumors of the number of 'benefits' he had. If you don't get it, benefits are the hoes he sleep with.

Rumor says, he always have a night appointment and it's always a different girl. Though he never sleeps with them, people say he can make a woman moan as loud as a banshee and cum at least three times before he does.

You shake your head, now using your mask to cover your blush. It was clear that you and Kakashi had an effect on each other, but you couldn't let that through your mind. You had to take the bells and then come back to the team.

"Eyes on the game, (y/n)" you murmured to yourself, the act being noticed by Kakashi.

"So, you just want to take a bell and run away?" he chuckled.

You couldn't help but feel offended.

"Of course not!" you raised your voice a bit, charging at Kakashi with a kunai at hand "I know... I can't... take... you down" you had difficulty on talking while charging at your Sensei "But at least I have to try...!"

Once more, you charged at your Sensei. But this time, with a fast and clean maneuver, Kakashi putted you down at the ground. The hand with a kunai was bent on your back and the other was being held by Kakashi.

You moaned in pain when you hited the ground. Kakashi wided his eyes, but kept his compouser.

"Damn it..." you muttered, feeling defeated.

"Now tell me..." Kakashi was above you and whispered in your ear "Why do you want to take the bell, all by yourself, even though you know you can't take me?"

It was genuine question. The ninja usually didn't grow any interest at people, but you caught his eyes. He had the feeling that he needed to know more about you, just for the sake of knowing you.

"Because they need to pass!" you ansewered, as if it was the most obvious thing ever. You earned a confusion look from Kakashi. Sighing, you continue your thought "Sakura is blacked out; Naruto is taking care of her and is obnoixously loud; Sasuke is nowhere to be found... I am the only one left to complete the mission and give the bells to them!"

But now you felt useless. You felt like the whole Team 7 was counting on you, and you failed them. 

Kakashi noticed the small hint of sadness and disappointment in your voice. In all truth, he was mesmerized by your answer. It was the first time that Kakashi heard a genin think and say things like you did.

You remembered him of his deceased friend: Obito. At this moment, he swore he heard his dead companion say "I swear to god Kakashi, if you don't get this girl to be yours I will".

Smiling softly behind his mask, your sensei patted your had, taking in your scent. He approached your ear, making you blush as he softly says.

"Don't take it all for yourself, kid. You did great!" and left, leaving you with a lost and lonely sensation.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now