Chapter 24

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

Thanks to Tenzou's planned schedule, you were ready right on time in front of the main gate. Your ANBU attire was long gone and now you were wearing your usual: a white skirt with black shorts under; a white top with some water-green accents; a fishnet long-sleeve shirt underneath the top and fishnet like leggings; black boots, mask and gloves to finish your look. You also had your (h/c) (h/l) hair in a ponytail.

You were actually a few minutes earlier then expected, so you got some time to talk with your favorite (and canon) gay couple.

Izumo was talking excitedly about a new weapon he had seen for sale, while Kotetsu was merely looking at him in awe. It was fun spending time with the two of them, and definitely a good distraction in other occasions, but your anxiety was almost taking the best of you.

That was until a loud and high pitched voice got your attention. The voice of your little brother... you would never forget it. You said a fast "bye" to the couple on guard before running to the gates.

There, merely a few feet separated, was your Team... your family. Naruto was already running towards you, eagerly trying to be the first to get a hug out of you. Non of the other tried to stop him.

It was a good sensation to have him in your arms. Mainly after a month apart, and that month being full of surprises and definitely exhaustive for both parties.

You hugged him as tightly as you could, giving him a sweet kiss on the top of his head before whispering:

"Gramps told me what happened during the mission" you sensed Naruto getting a bit tense in your arms "Just know that I love you, no matter what, and... if you have an idea I'm all ears to it!"

He looked at you, hope and anxiety shimmering in his soul, and his signature sun-smile opened only for you.

"Thank you..." he said finally, seconds before the rest of the team could catch up.

You broke the hug only to look at your team. Sakura looked a bit fazed by something, but you couldn't blame her. Not after all that happened.

Sasuke didn't look as emo and snobe as he always did. Maybe the mission did have something good in it?

And Kakashi... Anyone would think that his nose was still on that pervy book of his, but you knew better. Your eyes locked for precious five seconds and you could swear that a spark got in between you two.

You broke it when you felt your cheeks burn. You turned your sight back to the rest of the team. Sakura and Naruto were talking with Izumo and Kotetsu, but Sasuke... he was looking at you.

He wasn't dumb. He noticed the whole mission that Kakashi was not so... optimistic as he usually was around you, and by seeing you blush just by locking eyes with him... Sasuke was sure something was happening. But said nothing. He just looked at you with a strange sparkle in his eyes.

You smiled at him, trying desperately not to hint that you were head over hills for your sensei. You hugged him while whispering a quick "I missed you Duckbutt"  and you could of sworn that he said "Missed ya too (n/n)" despite his attitude.

{(A/N): the (n/n) or nickname, could be based on anything of you/your OC! In my case, my OC has white hair, so I imagine her nickname being Snowflake or Lotus. This also works for (i) or insults. In my case, her insult is Toilet Paper. Keep that in mind and thank you!} 

"Soo..." Sakura starts once you parted your hug with Sasuke. She didn't even look mad because you hugged him. Improvement!  "Kakashi-sensei told us that the Hokage wanted to speak with all of us. Do you have any idea why?"

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now