Chapter 27 (Lemon)

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This chapter will contain smut/lemon/18+ content. If you don't feel comfortable with any of the listed things, please step out of this chapter (next chapter will have a recapitulation of the important parts).

This chapter will contain: sex; strong language; BDSM; may be bad... dunno how to write it lol.

Enjoy your pervy chapter!


~ 3rd Person POV ~

As much as you were trying to hold back, your moans only grew louder with Kakashi's tongue inside you. He was literally eating you up!

You couldn't even try and stop your moans with your hands, since your beloved sensei tied them behind your back with your forehead protector.

"You like that, Y/n?" he asked, making your whole body shiver as his voice vibrated on you.

"D-Don't t-talk, S-Sensei" you moaned.

"You really do want to be punished right?" he asked "Fine then, I'll make it so that you'll be unable to walk tomorrow" he said, while he stopped sucking and licking, and went on top of you.

"Y-You can't" you said shakily " Tomorrow... H-Hokage" you were unable to form a simple sentence, but Kakashi understood you very well.

"Ugh... Your right love" he was pissed that he couldn't go all the way he wanted with you, but needed to respect it anyways "Plus, it is your first time, isn't it? I'll be more gentle then. But nothing stops me from making you beg for more, kitty"

You felt your cheeks grow warm, just like the rest of your body. Kakashi knew the effect he had on you, just as much as he knew the effect you had on him. Looking at you so defenseless and completely at his mercy made him as hard as rock.

He leaned forward towards you, and took your mouth on his, invading you with his tongue. He made sure you would taste yourself before backing up and asking in a deep hot tone:

"Like how you taste n/n? Because I sure do!" he smirked and you melted all over again.

Carefully he backed off, reaching for his back pocket, but still enjoying a whole vision of you. He took a small package from his pocket and looked at you, piercing your soul.

"I think your ready... I took good care of your preparation" he muttered, more to himself then to you.

Once again he smirked, taking the package to his mouth and opening it with his eyes set on yours. After he ripped the package open, he took of the condom and took off his pants.

Your throat got dry after seeing the size and width of Kakashi's manhood. It made you thirsty, but extremely worried. How would a entire forearm fit inside your little virgin ass?

Kakashi scoffed by seeing you reaction, slowly showing of his size and powerful sexiness' while putting the condom. That devious smirk never once leaving his face. After adjusting everything, he got closer to you once again, bringing you closer to him by your waist before saying.

"I'm going in slowly and as gentle as possible, okay? It may hurt a bit in the beginning, but soon enough is going to be good" he positioned his dick on your entrance, applying a bit of pressure but not going in "You sure you wanna do this... Once I start there's no guarantee I'm able to stop"

"Kashi" you said out of breath, just wanting that friction of moment between you two never to end "I trust you! I want this... with you!"

His eyes lit up with your words and his heart began to beat faster. He knew it was wrong but he couldn't help but compare you to others that he had already slept with.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now