Chapter 43

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~ Your POV ~

After the weight of embarrassment washed off me, I began to see things more clearly. Even after Ibiki-sensei explained the whole point of the tenth question to the class, doubt and confusion was still fresh in the air. A lot of people were just... speechless.

Everything made sense: the mental torture, the overreaction to the last question, the last question itself being a test just to see who was capable of being a true Shinobi... it made sense.

But, oh boy, how angry I was. Being tricked like that wasn't exactly something to be glad. On the other hand though, at least I passed the first test, just like Naruto and my friends. A weight off my chest, if you will.

Ibiki-sensei was laughing his ass off though, along side the Jonins in the classroom. That didn't ease my wish of breaking someone's neck for embarrassing me... But at least I passed, I kept telling myself, like some kind of mantra to keep me calm.

After a long speech from Ibiki-sensei's behalf, he finally declared the first stage of the exam over. Everyone inside the class passed.

Some were still not believing, others were energetic and super happy, and others were still processing all the information Ibiki revealed during his speech, all the things he showed and exposed...

He gave us a bit of his truth, the shinobi truth that we would face from now on. His scars, his terrors... soon to be our fate. That was a shinobi's work, a shinobi's life. To fight and live in fear and hatred, to just be a weapon for others to use. Something inside me always twitched with this thought, some kind of hidden panic of not having a life of my own, of just being a puppet ready to be commanded.

But what could I do? It's not like I have the power to change any of that. It's not like any of the clans I am from helped me to stand out somehow... I am a nobody with a royal title.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the sound of the window crashing and collective gasps.

When I look back to the front of the class, dark brown fabric has been hung by kunais and a beautiful kunoichi is standing in front of it. 

Dark purple hair, around Kakashi's age, massive tits and what seems to be a very strong personality. From Ibiki-sensei's face, I could tell she was earlier from expected. But what could he do?

"Pay attention now boys and girl" she started, with a stoic voice "there is no time for you to celebrate!"

Her eyes locked on Naruto's before diverting to me. Her expression was from someone who was having the time of their life, but when her eyes locked with us... a cold shiver went down my spine.

"I am your next supervisor! Call me Anko Mitarashi!" she said, with pure bliss.

The name clicked something in me. It was familiar, but I didn't remember from where...

I was sure she wasn't on guard duty like Izumo or Kotetsu, but she wasn't on ANBU duty like Ibiki-sensei either. Pretty sure she wasn't a teacher like Kakashi or Iruka-sensei too. So where could I have possibly have heard her name? Maybe one of Danzou-sama's reports?

I look back at her, trying effortlessly to remember her. But with a frustrated sigh, I end up giving up. There are other things I need to pay attention now...

"If you're ready for the second test follow me!" she screamed animatedly, bumping her fist into the air in an awkward 'winning' position.

You could hear the crickets over the quiet classroom. That was second hand embarrassment of the finest qualities ladies and gents. People were both still confused by all of the sudden interaction and awkwardly sitting on their respective tables, waiting for our next supervisor to stop being weird...

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now