Chapter 36

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~ 3rd POV ~

You were calmly walking to the academy. The nostalgic route you were taking filled you with that good sensation of old times. But today, you were walking casually along side with Kakashi.

People in the streets acted in different ways. Some took it normally, assuming it was just a Sensei escorting his student to the academy to enter the Chunin exam. Others, mostly old ladies with nothing better to do with their life's, were starting gossips and looking at you up and down. 

Some ladies, around Kakashi's age, were also looking at you crookedly since Kakashi, the one who normally would look at them in the way he looked at you and would relentlessly flirt with them, was now turning them down every time they would pop up.

 Neither of you were bothered by it though. Yes, you were so jealous you wanted to scream your lungs out and say he was your lover. But the way Kakashi turned each one of the down, without a doubt on his voice; without checking the beautiful girls out, gave you such a confidence that you stayed shut.

"I told you n/n" Kakashi said once you both took a turn to the academy "You are the only one I want and need" he smirked, petting your head.

You tried to hide your blush with your mask, but Kakashi noticed it anyway. He gave off a light chuckle, but before he could say anything you heard Naruto scream from a distance.

"Y/N! Y/N HELP US!" you turned to see Naruto running towards you with Konohamaru and Udon just behind.

You immediately opened your arms to hug your brother once he finished the run panting on your chest. As soon as his breath was steady, you crouched down and started to analyze Konohamaru. They both seemed fine.

"What happened?" you asked, calm slipping through your voice in hopes you could daze their nightmares away. Kakashi kept close behind you, but didn't say a word.

"Mo-Moegi..." Konohamaru answered frailly, still catching his breath.

You started to observe the group. So that's who's missing...

"Where?" you simply asked to Naruto, lovingly stroking Konohamaru's cheeks.

"I can take you there" he answered abruptly. You nodded once, getting up from the ground.

"Take the lead" you said, seeing Naruto, Konohamaru and Udon run east. Alone with Kakashi again.

"What?" he asked tenderly, watching when you frowned your brows. He also knew something was sketchy about all that, but wanted to see if you also had the same conclusion.

"No ninja, especially one qualified for Chunin level, would kidnap someone on their own village, in front of others" you started "Either that ninja is a complete fucking idiot, or someone is testing them..." you finished and looked to Kakashi.

He smirked, nodding as he agreed to your simple conclusion, truly proud of his lover.

"What's the plan then?" you asked.

"Go after Naruto and make sure he won't fuck things up" he commanded, with the voice of the Anbu Captain Kakashi Hatake. You had to search for every ounce of control you had not to close your legs "I'll be closely behind in case I have to step in. But otherwise, I'm pretty sure you both got it..."

You knew your eyes were shimmering when you took a short bow and ran after your little brother. Leaving Kakashi be with his thumping heart and flushed face. That girl... She's gonna be the death of me. What a sweet death! he thought, starting to tail you guys.

Once you started jumping trees, you noticed Konohamaru and Udon standing on a branch, looking around.

"Minirīfu what's the matter?" {Minirīfu - Mini Leaf/nickname}

"Nadzukeoya!" Konohamaru answered, glad to see you catching up "The other ninja was super fast! Only Naruto Nii-chan was able to follow him..." he said ashamed.

"Don't worry..." you said tenderly, petting his head "I'll go after Naruto! You guys stay here to catch your breath. We'll be back with Moegi in no time!" you kissed off the top of his head, and petted Udon's.

Then you fled.

When you found Naruto again, he was already face to face with the Amegakure Shinobi. But still, you decided to let him do all the work. Mainly when the shinobi's chakra signature was familiar.

Soon, Naruto had Moegi in his arms and was tying Iruka-sensei up. You gently took the girl off his arms and brought her down the branch. Konohamaru and Udon were already arriving too.

Moegi straight up ran to Konohamaru's embrace.

"Konohamaru! It was so scary!" she said, hugging him tightly.

"I know, it's alright now! Your good... I'm right here with you!" he said, checking to see if she was injured.

"Oh my gods, why are you guys such a cute couple?" you asked to Konohamaru once he let go of Moegi and came by your side. The question threw him off, making him blush like a tomato.

"W-We are n-not a c-couple..." he stuttered.

You chuckled petting his head.

Naruto came up to you guys ready to brag, but Iruka-sensei was already far from there. Naruto didn't even think about the possibility of his sensei being undercover as a Amegakure Shinobi.

You shrugged your shoulders, glad that there wasn't any real danger to begin with. So instead, you left them behind and went to encounter Kakashi, who was sitting on a tree branch reading again.

"One day, I might just snatch that book from you and see what it's about" you said as greeting.

Kakashi blushed when he, not so swiftly, hid his book back on his pocket.

"That day is going to be a big problem for me then..." he said nervously, opening his arms for you to sit on his lap.

You gladly found comfort on his lap and absently started to play with his arms.

"So" he started "Did you figure what that was about?"

"I don't think Iruka-sensei was ready to see Naruto out of the nest so early..." you muttered "He has always been a protective tiger mom" you laughed and Kakashi followed.

"Just a test then?" Kakashi asked, even though he had already figured it out by himself.

"Yup! I think it was more to himself then to Naru... But just a test" you answered, looking up at him.

"That's good to hear princess" he kissed the top of your head "What do you want to do now? Go back to the academy or stay here a little while longer?"

"Let's stay here... Just a little longer, ok?" you nuzzled on his chest.

"Perfect with me n/n" he said, letting you lean on him.

And all alone, by the only company of each other and the forest, you two continued to chat and love each other. Just like the lovers you were...

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now