Chapter 8

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~Your POV ~

"(Y/n), I'm at point D" I said through the radio that connected the whole team.

We were at another D rank mission. So boring... But what else should I expect?! 

I hated to agree with Naruto, mainly because he was impaciant and obnoxious, but this missions were boring.

Retrieve a cat; Help the old lady; Clean a garden; Paint the fence...

Honestly, that wasn't why I wanted to be a shinobi. Yes, we were still young and only Genins, but... UGH!

"The target moved!" Kakashi's voice brought me back from my daydream "After him!"

From the top of the tree, I was able to see the target and my teammates. Indeedly, the target was fast and agile, but that's what made it fun.

"There" said Naruto, pointing the obvious location.

Even so, we moved quickly and silently through the woods.

"How far are you from the target?" Kakashi asked.

"Five meters" I answered, on the top of a branch.

"I'm ready. Just say the word..." Naruto said, determined as always.

"Same here" said Sasuke.

"Me too" confirmed Sakura.

"(Y/n)?" Kakashi called "What about you?"

I scoffed, a bit offended that he would assume I'm not.

"Hai!" I said confidently.

There was silence for a while. Only the trembling leafs and our hearts pounding. Yes, it was just another boring mission, but it still was important.

"Now!" Kakashi said, making the four of us move.

While me, Sasuke and Sakura kept a quiet profile, Naruto started screaming at the poor cat.

I laughed a bit, enjoying the sight of my little brother huggind a terrified little cat. Not to mention the blush that took over the Uchiha's cheeks.

It was kind of funny to think of it. Naruto was my closest relative alive and only because of the Uzumaki clan. On the other hand, Sasuke was also a relative of mine, thanks to the Uchiha clan.

Thinking even deeper, I am somehow related to Hashirama and Tobirama Senju and the whole Hyuga clan!

Technically, I was suppoused to have on of their abilities... Dad had the Sharingan and a great healing ability. Mom had the Byakugan and a freakishly big amount of chakra.

But if you look at me, a (l/n), I didn't have any of those Kekkei Genkais. If I was suppoused to have the Sharingan, I would have awoken it in the night of my parents death; I do have a good amount of chakra, but nothing like the Uzumaki clan; I defenetly don't have a Byakugan or any of the Hyuga's clan special attacks; and no, I don't have a wood style jutsu.

So... what am I? Everyone keeps hoping that I'm going to be great only because I am a (l/n). Just because I am the creation of the four strongest clan's inside and outside of the Fire Land. But... I am not that special or anything...

I was brought back from my train of thoughts by Naruto's obnpxiuosly loud yell. Seriously, we had radios already... plus his scream?!

"Naruto! Don't yell like that!" I scolded, removing my own radio.

Sasuke looked a bit disappointed and Sakura was ready to beat the shit out of Foxie. Well... at least we finished our mission.


My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now