Chapter 20

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~ Your POV ~


Not even Hiruzen or Danzou were believing their words.

Even if I was from a "special" clan, it did not give them the right to take away the only normality in my life.

I mean, even Lord Third was sure to still leave me on Team 7 of Genins, even when I was training with ANBUS.

"P-Pardon, me?" I said, trying to stand still.

"You heard us correctly!" said Koharu, a little irritated "We see no reason why you should stay on team 7, or on any other Genins team to be precise"

"Either we invest everything we have in you and your future, hoping you have some positive change, or we just give up on you" said Homura, agreeing with his wife "You must make your choice immediately!"

"But wait a moment!" said Lord Third, for the first time during the entire meeting "Did you come to that conclusion alone? Without even asking for our opinion?"

"We are also part of the Council of the elderly, and therefore we have a duty to participate in making decisions as important as this one!" Lord Danzou agreed, getting up already irritated.

I was grateful that both of them gave me that kind of support and coverage, especially when something as important as my base and friendships were at stake.

"We made this decision alone because we knew that the two of you would be unable to make the right decision!" shouted Koharu.

"Both have a greater inclination towards Lady (L/n). Of course, you would do anything to help her!"

"Likewise, this is completely off limits. I am the Hokage of Konoha, and I am here as such to intervene in that meeting!" Lord Third returned "(Y/n) until further notice and until I personally call you, you are excused" he said sweetly.

"But, she-" Koharu was cut off, this time by Danzou, who seemed to be in a very bad mood.

"WE have a lot to discuss before involving Lady (L/n)!" he basically grunted "So, until we figure out what's really going to happen, she'll do as the Hokage instructed her" This was the first time I saw Grandpa Danzou taking Gramps Hiruzen's side, but I was too scared to be admired "You are dismissed (Y/n)" he said rispdly to me.

I bowed quickly, but still respectfully before leaving. I would be lying if I said I wasn't shaking with fear, but I couldn't show it.

Tenzou and the other two ANBU followed me closely, maintaining the pose of perfect and unbreakable soldiers until the last second.Before we turned the corner of the Hokage's office, we could already hear the discussions and screams. I wished I could say that I hadn't flinched.

Quickly, as soon as we left the Hokage's office, Tenzou took off his mask and hugged me tightly. He knew how sensitive I was to some things, especially criticism.

Not all, of course, but the ones that hit me hard and made me wonder if I really was enough. Those that Homura and Kohura had just launched me, without mercy or mercy.

The other two ANBU also took off their masks, revealing the familiar faces of two friends I had made during my training: Akemi and Akina, the twins.

The twins were around 17 years old and even among the ANBU they were strangers.

Akemi, the boy, was extremely lethal for his age. Despite being very outgoing and cheerful, he was a great observer and leader; he could make the toughest decisions in a matter of seconds.

Akina, the girl, was already her complete opposite. Always quiet and very observant, she was the perfect killer. Nobody ever listened to it and by the time they found it, it was too late.

But aside from completely different personalities, the twins were identical. Charcoal black hair, pale skin, emerald eyes and a small birthmark on the cheek.

Akina had her mark on the left side, almost covered by her short hair. Akemi had the right side, completely showing thanks to his haircut with shaved sides.

The twins' masks were also the same, to confuse the enemies: coyotes, with details in dark blue and white.

But leaving that aside, me and the twins ended up getting very close. Danzou thought that if I started training with them from time to time I would evolve more easily, which really happened.

During this period, I ended up learning more about the twins, to the point of discovering that their father was none other than Doctor Chikao, the same one who treated me.

Thanks to our stories being shared, we ended up creating very deep and strong bonds. Enough for them to completely ignore the basic rules of our ninja training and hug me too.

My sobs came before I could stop them. Automatically, Tenzou's older brother mode activated, as did the twins. Tenzou picked me up and jumped from roof to roof, until he reached the mount of the Hokage, with the twins on our tail.

Tenzou sat me on the stone heated by the sun when my tears fell not so quietly. But none of the ninjas said anything. Not when I stood next to each of them when they cried for different reasons. Not when I supported the idea that Shinobi were still people and therefore had feelings.

They just stayed with me, unsure of what to say to me. But only his company was comforting to me at that time. Why at that time, when team 7 was so far away on a mission, they were my family.

And even if team 7 came back and even if I never went back to ANBU, they would still be my family. Why they were with me when I needed them, and I was with them when they needed me.

With every second that passed, with every sob that became quieter, I realized that. And I realized that in the last month, as much as the sadness of not having my friends and loves around, I had created other bonds. Beautiful and strong bonds that supported me when others could not.

And as much as I thanked the gods for such a blessing, I couldn't help thinking, how long it would take for this family to be disappointed in me too ...

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