Chapter 39

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~ Your POV ~

My team and some others, including Kabuto, chuckled with my sentence. Yeah, we weren't really the helping the growing targets on our backs. Kabuto must've read my face, cause as soon as everyone calmed down he said:

"You see hat bunch?" he pointed out to a bunch of shinobis in Amegakure's clothes and bandanas. 

That strange sense of familiarity stinging my head again when I glance at the simple lines. Something on my chest always tightened when Amegakure was mentioned, but I never bothered knowing why.

"These guys are a really sensitive bunch" he tensed a bit, but soon relaxed again "This whole exam puts everyone on the edge. Trust me when I tell you: you don't wanna mess with these guys before the real deal even starts" he looked at us.

Naruto, by my side, was with his gaze set on the shinobis. I could sense Kurama inside him warming up, eager for some bloodshed. Sakura looked petrified by the scary looking mountain of muscles all around the room. Sasuke had his target set. The Sunagakure brothers, Neji and Lee were on top of his list. The rest, would be his playground, I knew it.

"But hey, I don't blame you" Kabuto said, like a big brother would after scolding you "Neither of you know how things work around here, ya'll are just rookies Just like me when I first entered the exams" he smiled softly, nostalgia painted in his eyes.

"That's not the first time you do the exams, right?" Sakura asked.

"Nope, definitely far from that" he chuckled "In fact is the seventh time, if I didn't lost count"

I could sense the nervousness and concern rising among my former classmates. Seventh?

"There are two exams per year, this is my fourth year" Kabuto said, mentally counting all of his exams.

"So you must be an expert at this rate!" Sakura exclaimed, looking truly relieved with the fact.

"Cool! You can help us out with some tips!" Naruto enjoyed too, finally interested in Kabuto's talk.

"Hah, an expert that didn't pass the exam six times in a row..." Shikamaru muttered, only to receive my elbow on his ribs.

"Oh well" Kabuto said, a bit embarrassed "You know what they say! The seventh time is the charm!" he laughed.

"This can only mean that the rumors about the exam's difficulty are true" I muttered, hearing Shikamaru sigh a 'what a drag'.

"Don't worry too much about that. Perhaps I can help a bit..." Kabuto said, searching something on his pocket. He removed a deck of cards and I immediately felt the chakra in them "... with my ninja info-cards!"

"Huh?" Naruto made the sound loudly, tilting his head slightly to emphasize.

"It's kinda hard to explain it, but basically this cards were coded with chakra so they can show everything and everyone I encounter" he sat the cards down, sitting right in front of them "From info on the shinobis to the fighting style of a village, these cards can reveal a lot. There are more then 200 cards here" he seemed pleased.

He roughly explained how the cards worked, displaying one in front of him and concentrating chakra on the blank card. Soon, the card started to spin and with a light puff of smoke, a map was being displayed on the card.

"What's the map about?" I asked, curiosity taking the best of me.

"The percentage of shinobi from each village here today" Kabuto explained "From which village, how many, everything here" he tapped lightly on the top of the card "Let me ask you this: do you know why so many people from different villages come to make the Chunin exam at the same time?"

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