Chapter 9

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

"Get up, both of you" Lord Danzou said.

You and Kakashi got up, but the rest of the team was still pretty confused. I that room, only Kakashi, Third Hokage, Iruka and you knew the headmaster of the Anbu.

He didn't really show up like that often, so your mind was racing over every possibility to why he was there.

Kakashi was also uncomfortable. The time he passed at the Anbu wasn't exactly a time he liked to remember...

Naruto and Sakura just tilted their heads, confused and curious about the elder. Sasuke, on the other hand, seemed a bit uneasy about him.

You looked over to see Lord Hiruzen, who was as calm as ever. He knew Lord Danzou would come, because he was the one that called him. Both of them needed to talk to you.

"If I may ask, what exactly are my business here, Lord Danzou?" you said, paying as much respect as possible.

You did have a lot of respect for him. After all, he trained and took you under his wing for 2 years. You saw him as a kind of Parental Figure. Even so, you knew you were not suppoused to act normally with him in front of others.

"We will talk about this later, dear (y/n)" Lord Third answered "For now, let me explain Team's 7 mission"

"Oi, oi! Who is the old man, Onēsan?" Naruto asked you, completly ignoring the Hokage.

Sakura and Sasuke were also pretty interested in your answer. But before you could say anything, Kakashi spoke.

"All of you shut up! We gotta focus on he mission now" his tone was low and firm.

This seemed to do the trick for the others. They all started to pay attention to Lord Hiruzen's words. You looked up to Kakashi, silently giving him 'thanks'. He was already looking at you, and simply answerd with his signature smirk.

"Bring our visitor!" said the Hokage, attracting your attention from Kakashi.

You were already convinced that you couldn't stop thinking about your Sensei. Despite being wrong and very distracting, Kakashi made you feel like no one else. It scared you a little ...

Before you could continue your train of thoughts, an old man walked through the door. From where you were, you could tell he was drunk. Oh... poor friends of mine! you thought.

"What? A lot of brats?" the man said, leaving you a little offended.

He tok another gulp of his bottle, driping some of the alcohol in the process. It disgust you, but a mission is a mission, right? At least you weren't taking part on it.

"And you, the little guy with the stupid face, do you really want me to believe you are a ninja?" the man asked, clearly speaking to Naruto.

You gave a little laugh, trying to contain yourself as well as possible. Lord Danzou looked at you and gave a small smile, as did Lord Hokage. They both had a sweet spot for you, so that kind of behavior was put aside for you.

"Who's the little guy with the stupid face?" Naruto asked laughing, still clueless.

In an attempt to make Naruto understand, Sasuke and Sakura approached him. Soon, the little blond realized that he was the smallest in the group and that the client was talking about him.

Kakashi had to hold on to the youngest. You couldn't stand it and giggled next to Sasuke. Duckbutt was laughing at Naruto's cuteness, and you already knew.

But what you didn't realize was when Kakashi's eyes fell on you. A strange gleam crossed the eyes of the silver-haired shinobi and you were the cause of the tightness in Kakashi's chest.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now