Chapter 18

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~ 3rd POV ~

"It really just appeared out of nowhere..." the doctor said in one of your appointments.

You have been going to the doctor everyday for the past four days, just to keep that misterious spot in check. Danzou himself made sure you would have the best of the best, as always.

The elders were also notified of your new mistery, and demanded to see you later on the day. You were pretty nervous, since you've only seen them once when you were seven.

They decided what you were to do back then, and now they would do it again. Luckly, you now know Hiruzen and Danzou and they will always be by your side.

It was still early in the morning, only more 5 days for Team 7 to come back. You missed them a lot, but you also felt a bit useless... You didn't get to go to the goddamn mission and, even though you did improve in your trainment, you didn't feel good enough. Not yet...

"Does it still hurt when you use chackra?" the doctor asked.

"A bit, but with the help of my Senseis I'm managing to don't overwhelm it to the palm of my hands" you answered "But it still hurts..."

"I see, I see..." he said.

Doctor Chikao, the best in Konoha. He was summond by the elders to search more about your condition. And he has been of great help really.

He takes your mental and physical health into account, and has been developing an special glove to contain the pain and the spot.

Of course, he isn't doing it alone. You, the elders and a whole medical team are helping  to know how to deal with this. And things are improving really!

"I already have a prototipe..." he said, opening a drobe to search for the gloves "I want you to experiment them, alright? Train with them, sleep with them... Tomorrow, I want to know how it felt!" 

He tossed you a black fingerless glove. The fabric was a bit strange, but it felt nice. You put them on your boiling hot hand and it immediatly cools down.

It was like your hand was burning and you've putted an ice pack on it. It relaxed you and a tension you didn't even know existed released.

"It... It stoped burning..." you said, amazed.

"That is good, very good..." he muttered wuth a smile "Try training with it, pushing some limites perhaps" he suggested.

"I will doc! I surely will..." you said, getting up "Thanks for today! See ya tomorrow, doctor Chikao"

"See you, dear!" he said, turning back to his paperwork.

You moved your fingers around a bit, trying to get used to this new sensation.

Great, I have a mask and I have gloves... I am now the female version of Kakashi!

The irony was almost enough for you not to daydream about Kakashi. Almost...

It would be a big lie to say you were not counting the seconds to the day Team 7 would arrive. Your hiperactive little brother, your closeted duckbutt friend, your dangerously bipolar girlmate, and your beloved Sensei.

How fucked up was that?

You shook your head as you spotted the ponytail of your bestfriend. He was talking with the human dog, Kiba, and Choji. It has been quite sometime since you saw Shikamaru, not to mention the time that you haven't seen your other classmates.

"(Y/n)!" Shikamaru said as he spotted you. He signed for you to come closer to them, and so you did.

"Hey guys! Long time no see..." you said, nervously.

Back at the academia days you weren't that close to everyone. You did hang out with Shikamaru and Choji a lot, mainly thanks to Naruto, and with Neji because he liked you (as a friend).

Apart from that, you hung out with your classmates rarely and almost didn't talk to them. You did have a group project once with Kiba and Ino, wich was a complete disaster thanks to the duo, but that was the whole interaction.

"(Y/n)! Yeah it has been quite sometime..." Kiba said laughing "You did get more hot though!"

Aaaand how could you forget about that? Kiba was the biggest playboy, but he didn't get any girl. That never stopped him from flirting shamelessly though.

"Hah... no" Shikamaru said, looking a bit uncomfortable.

Shikamaru and you alwas had a pretty close relationship, but it was completly platonic. Yes, he would be jealous and mad when someone flirted with you, but he didn't like you like that.

You laughed a bit, glad with the thought that nothing would ever change between you and the lazy boy.

"Hey, (Y/n)" Choji called in between munchs "I thought Team 7 was on a mission. Have you returned already?"

Oh... yeah that's right. Everyone knows that you were on Team 7 and everyone knows the team was out on a mission. BUT, it was supposed to be a "secret" that you were having special training.

Well, a not very well kept secret you may say. All of the Jonin and ANBU already knew, plus a lot of villagers and some of the Genins as well.

But still, it was your duty to keep it a secret.

"Oh! No, no, no... Uhm, you see I didn't went to the mission!"

"Really? Why would they leave a cutie like you behind?" asked Kiba.

"Uhm... Well that's because... uhm, because..." you looked at Shikamaru, desperate for an excuse.

"Because she had a cold!" Shikamaru said

"I had a cold!" you repeated "I had a cold?" you whispered back to your friend.

"Yes you did! Poor (Y/n) couldn't even get out of bed, right?" he asked, putting his arm around your shoulder.

"Exactly! That's why I didn't go to the mission!" petty excuse, but luckly the one's you were talking with weren't very bright. They bought it.

"But you're feeling better now, right?" Kiba asked, getting closer to you.

He smelled like dog, and you could garantee that Akamaru smelled better.

"Yup, all better!" you faked a smile while, discretly, backing up into Shikamaru's space.

"Well then, why don't we go out today? I can buy you dinner and then we could-" you were holding in the urge of vomiting, but thankfully you were saved.

Shikamaru, that was choosing between punching Kiba's face and laughing of your disgrace, spotted your Senpai.

Usually, Tenzo would pick you up after your appointment, but you finished off earlier and went to speak with the boys. Now, he was with his (fucking intimidating) ANBU attire, mask included, and a bit in a hurry.

"Lady (Y/n), we have to go!" he said, removing you from Shikamaru's embrace "Your... thing has been pushed back a few hours"

"My, wha- OH! My thing!" you just reminded yourself of your meeting with the elders "Wait, when is it then?"

"Right now!" he was trying his best not to panic, but you already got familiarized with his voice and habits...

The other boys, whom you were talking to, were really confused. A fucking ANBU going to pick you up after a shady doctor appointment, talking about another "thing" wich you need to go.

Super normal... right?

Well, you would think about it if you weren't terrified yourself. You thought you had at least till evening to prepare yourself to the elders, but apparently not.

"Wait... WHAT?! Right now?? Senpai, we need to go!" you were panicking, a LOT "See ya later, boys!" you kissed Shikamaru on the cheek, like you akways did, and set off with Tenzo.

Shikamaru, that already knew everything that was going on, just waved back at you saying "Good Luck!".

But for Choji and Kiba, ooh poor guys. They were confused and afraid of just happened.

But again, no time to think of this. You already had one problem to solve... Hopefully it wouldn't be that bad!

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now