Chapter 31

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~ 3rd POV ~

"Y/N! WE'RE OUT OF MILK AGAIN" Naruto shouted from the kitchen.

"What!? But I went to the store yesterday! How could it end?" you shouted back from the bedroom, where you were dressing up for breakfast.

It has passed 3 days since your conversation with Hokage and you were back home, getting ready to meet up with Team 7 for a morning train. That afternoon was reserved for Anbu matters only.

"I think I drank it all yesterday night before going to bed..." he muttered, loud enough for you to hear though.

"Ugh..." you sighed, bewildered by your little brothers fascination with milk.

You finished getting dressed, went to the kitchen and kissed Foxie 'good morning' before he went in on the bedroom to get ready, still groggy.

In a matter of minutes, both of you were outside closing the door of your small apartment.

"Alright! I'm all up now!" Naruto said in his usual excited tone, different from how it was minutes ago when he was waking up "It's time to go!"

He started running towards the edge of the building, not giving you the chance to tell him to stop. Well... that's going to be a calm stroll then.

You took a few shortcuts, not wanting to have a lot of morning interactions that day, and finally arrived at the bridge where the team was going to meet. No sing of Naruto or Kakashi.

"Good morning everyone!" you said excitedly from above the red bridge pole.

Sakura looked up to meet your eyes, smiling brightly before greeting you back. Sasuke didn't even bother looking up. He just muttered what seemed to be a "morning" and shrugged his shoulders.

Someone isn't in a good mood today.

After a few minutes passed by, Naruto finally appeared greeting Sakura a wonderful morning and.... blushing at Sasuke. But he seemed mad about something too. Duckbutt didn't even  look up from the ground, just like he was avoiding eye contact.

A look at Sakura, who seemed to have the same conclusion as you, said enough: they had a fight. That's why Sasuke was grumpier then usual and Naruto took longer then usual to arrive. 

You and Sakura, wisely, choose to ignore that and jumped into a conversation about anything and everything else, trying to give them both a sense of privacy.

Sakura did say something about them being like this since the last mission. You two felt like babysitters though. And the fact that Kakashi was nowhere to be found didn't exactly help at anything.

Hours passed and the boredom took over. To the point where the trio was leaning against the wooden railing of the bridge and you were upside down just above them, contemplating the idea of sleeping for a few minutes.

That is, until a white-haired figure appeared crouched right beside you, startling and irritating the four of you when he said:

"Oi! Good morning for you!" the voice and the sudden presence made you unbalanced and almost fell on your face on the bridge. If it weren't for your dear Sensei, who was already waiting for you just below with open arms.

You fell right into his arms when he continued:

"Sorry for being late, I was lost on the way to life!" he winked at ya.

Ever so grateful for your mask covering your blush, you decided to let Sakura and Naruto deal with the scolding part, while he gently settled you down the bridge. He lingered in your hair before turning to the angry students. 

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now