Chapter 51

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

They were just like your dream had shown: young, worried and awesome.

Their black cloaks with red puffy clouds, their Amegakure's bandanas and their caring aura all dragging you closer to them.

Konan, Nagato and Yahiko.

They were so cleaned compared to how you were: bloodied, crying over my parents cold bodies. They seemed like angels who came down to earth just to guide you.

And your throat closed when you heard Konan's voice softly gasp and say to her mates:

"So they were really as cruel as to leave the poor child all alone..." 

Nagato shot a pitiful glance towards you, crouching down to be on your same level. He looked at your parents bodies than back at you, sobs escaping your little frail body.

He offered you a hand, his features as soft as one could possibly go.

"Come with us, okay?" he said sweetly, his red hair covering his eyes "We promise we are not going to hurt you!"

You wanted to go, but the body in your memories didn't share the same wishes. For her, these people could very well be part of the larger group that killed your parents and was hunting her... even though her guts were telling her to take the boy's hand.

Behind him, Konan opened the door a little more, and a paper origami butterfly came flying towards you. Sweet, simple and absolutely inoffensive. Calming... inviting you.

You glanced back at them, even when the butterfly came happily towards you, flapping her wings as she made her way to your little nose, as if she was kissing you. You somehow expected them to be older and more experienced, and perhaps at the eyes of an orphan scared child they seemed exactly like that, but at your trained Anbu eyes you saw otherwise.

They were soaked, and clearly tired, but seemed young and full of energy. They weren't older than 18 years old. More impressively, they had that one scent it was impossible for you to forget: the scent of death.

Not like they had killed enough to smell like death, but rather like death had surrounded them for a long, long time. The scent that someone would carry with them when they saw death one too many times; when they walked with death by their side for too much time.

You had that scent too.

And yet, even when the scent was clearly engraved in their eyes, in their souls, in their bones, their eyes were kind. Their auras and chakras were as calming as Naruto's and their presence naturally attracted you, called for you.

A sound caught your attention down stairs, though your little kid's body hadn't catch on it back at the time. But the trio caught it alright to, and a tension built on Konan's shoulders.

"We are here to protect you, but we can't do that if you don't come with us" she said carefully, her voice dropping a bit lower and hurriedly, though trying to bring you as much comfort as possible.

Finally, that anxious and scared feeling inside you started to fade, and your little hand started to approach the red hair.

But your past body stopped, just like you would in your present, thanks to the blood staining your hands. The mixture of dry and fresh blood, with sweat and dust from under the bed made you disgusted. You felt your stomach swirl and the mere sight of that made you feel much more dirty. Much more unworthy of taking his hand.

Your eyes were still spilling your tears, uncapable of stopping, and your hands started to tremble even more. The room seemed colder, you seemed dirtier and the world seemed grim.

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