Chapter 52

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~ 3rd Person POV ~

Almost halfway through Konoha, the rain stopped.

The dirt road the four of you were taking was completely dry and the temperature was high. That was your last confirmation that you lot had left Amegakure.

During the whole way, the trio would take turns in who would played with you, keeping you company. At first, you would swing between Nagato and Yahiko, their hands clasping strongly at you while they hung you from the ground. After a while, Konan was teaching you a bit about her origamis, and you even got to make a pretty bird (after the tenth time, for it to look something like a bird).

Nagato took you on his back, Yahiko showed you the insects of the forest around you, Konan brushed your hair non-stop.

The second day was essentially the same. You woke up in the arms off the red haired boy, and it took you a while to notice that you guys had long left your camping site.

You walked and talked and ate and slept, enjoying every little second you had left with them, not wanting to let go of that sense of normality, only for the darkness of that night to consume you again.

And that darkness was always too close, a slip up away from consuming you. Because in all truth, even though you were smiling and having fun with the Akatsuki, you were afraid. Afraid of Konoha, afraid of those ninjas coming back to you to give you the same end as your parents, afraid of moving on without your parents....

You were only five, for goodness sake. Your birthday would be in less than three days, your first one without a family...

So when the sun went up on your third day of traveling, your last day until you've reached Konoha, you were up with it. A restless night, spent memorizing the face of your heroes and trying to remember everything your mother did to calm you down when you were sad.

Needless to say, that only made you more sad.

And when the others started to wake up and gather their things, you too sensed their sadness in doing so.

That day, the walk was silent.

Kurama made you the favor of skipping that part too, fast forwarding through the heavy silence of the walk, until he reached the point where you first saw Konoha's gates.

The sensation of first seeing those immense and imponent gates was a mix of fear and admiration. You guys weren't even exactly in front of the gates yet, but even a few meters away from it it was huge!

You were going in there and that made you uneasy.

"Wow" you sighed, seeing it for the first time "Is... Is this it?" you asked, turning nervously towards Nagato.

"Yeah..." he said, looking a bit sad too "Jiraya-sensei should be here anytime now..."

"And we shouldn't linger here for long. The guards might see us as a threat!" Konan said reluctantly.

"Oh..." you dropped, realizing that's the moment you would part ways.

The silence that took place after was heavy and uncomfortable. You had the impression the trio didn't want to leave you behind as much as you didn't want to leave them.

But when your tears started, you felt their warm bodies closing in on a hug around you. The three shinobis were kneeling, hugging you and patting your hair.

"It's aright little one, it's alright..." Konan reassured, her voice seeming a bit more tight, like she was holding back tears too.

"You are a strong girl, Y/n" Yahiko hugged you a bit tighter "No doubt you can go through this and become the best!"

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