Chapter 22

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~ Your POV ~

My heart was pounding so loudly that I was sure Lord Hokage could hear. From the moment the ANBU accompanied me to Third's office and I was alone with my thoughts, I was sweating and begging for whatever the above forces were to be pious.

A few minutes later, Lord Third had come in and sat across from me, without saying a word. The next two minutes were spent with us just staring at each other. The discomfort was already taking over me and, even as respectfully as possible, I asked with some urgency.

"Did the Lord send for me, Lord Hokage?" I did a little bow.

"(Y/n)" said the old man in front of me, in a soft voice "Tomorrow the return of Team 7 is scheduled, but we have already received a letter with the details of the mission".

I took a deep breath, not daring to interrupt as Lord Hiruzen described what Kakashi had put on paper. I knew that my Sensei should not have put into detail what had happened, probably leaving it for a later report. And I knew that Hiruzen had probably overlooked several things.

But just listening to what my team had to endure ... I knew they wouldn't be the same. Knowing Naruto, he must have promised at the graves of Zabuza and Haku that things would never be like this again. And as your sister, and a ninja who personally understands the risks and disadvantages of being just a "tool", I would protect and help him with whatever his plan was.

Likewise, the tightness in my chest did not go away. Although it was a great and successful mission, and a great way to introduce them to the ninja world, it would leave scars. Maybe even a trauma or worse. And I needed to be there for them. All of them. As a part of Team 7.

As if he had read my mind, or my features, Lord Hiruzen cleared his throat and caught my attention. I automatically improved my posture and tried to get the expression of pain and concern off my face.

"Darling, referring the decision of the council" he said, getting up from his seat "We have arrived at one that pleased us all" I swallowed, anticipating the possible response "But we also decided that, for this important matter, it is for the best that all Team 7 gets here and listen to it as well"

I didn't want to look too relieved when I sighed, not that I was too relieved. They were just delaying my answer. But before I could ask, Hiruzen answered.

"You should continue your activities as you are doing now. Tomorrow, take half your day to train and the other half to stay with your team. The day after that, we will call everyone to reveal our decision" he said at last, leaving the office.

I took a deep breath and got up from my seat, observing the village as I did so. The sunset was just a few hours away, but all Konoha was still busy.

So with another sigh, I left the office.

The rest of the day was just mindless training as always, but my mind kept wandering around. I missed Team 7, more then anything actually, but I couldn't imagine how much they would have grown. If I wasn't careful enough I would be left behind....

And none of these thoughts left me while my eyes shut and sleep took over my body.

~ 3rd POV ~

The rain was so loud that you were almost deaf, not to mention that the lightning was so bright you almost got blinded. But they didn't bother you. Not as much as the blood that were now on your hands.

You were shaking like a small leaf and the tears came down just like the non-stopping rain. They were dead... They had died protecting you and had no regret about it. But you felt guilty anyway.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now