Chapter 7

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~Your POV ~

"You..." Kakashi-sensei started, basically growling.

Sasuke and I standed still in front of Naruto and Sakura. We were determined to protect them if necessary.

On the other hand, Naruto was tied so he couldn't move at all and as for Sakura... well she looked like she saw a ghost.

"You broke the rules! Now face the consequences..." he said, looking as angry as ever.

After making a couple of hand sings the sky started turning black. If Sensei was powerfull enough to even conjure a storm... Oh gods!

"Any last words?" he said in a deep tone, making me shiver. Even so, I standed still, ready to help and protect my teammates.

I looked over to Sasuke, that still had a fierce look and didn't even move. Sakura was still on the ground, shaking like a leaf. Naruto was chattering his teeth, but somehow managed to say.

"B-But you said that ..." he was so scared he had to pause.

Kakashi-sensei looked really intregued with Foxie's attempt to say something.

"What?" he said in a low tone that rattled inside me in a strange and ... pleasant feeling. I shook it off trying once again to focus on the task at hand.

"You said we were a team! That's what you said!" Naruto shouted trying to form a sentence that made sense.

Quickly, Sasuke and I got his idea. We shared a look, knowing exactly what we were about to do. Well... it's this or nothing...

"We are together in this team and we will suffer together!" Sasuke basically grunted.

"We would never let one of ours starve because of your stupid rules! We are in this together!" I continued earning an interesting look from Kakashi.

Sakura, finally understanding what was happening, got on her knees and stopped trembling. Determination and fear shined in her eyes when she looked at Sensei.

"That's it! We gave him food, because the three of us are one!" she said confidently.

Naruto looked so cute and flushed. Normally people would not even look at his face, let alone protect him. Me and Shikamaru were the only one's to put up a fight for him.

"The three of you are one, huh?" Kakashi-sensei said, aproaching us "That's your excuse?!"

Automatically I regain my posture and focused. Our distance was getting shorter by the seconds and if he really wanted to fight... Oh gods!

Looking down at us, a bunch of Genins with no experience and scared, Kakashi-sensei could see the determination in our aura. There is no chance of us backing down from our team.

"You passed!" he said, with the cutest smile behind the mask.

It took me exactly five second to process the information. I was in utter shock and suspicion... WHAT?!

Sakura and Naruto simply tilted their heads, also trying to understand the words our Sensei's madness. Sasuke didn't even flinch on the other hand. Is he for real? Is he playing again? What is going on?!

"You all passed!" he repeated once he saw our confusion.

"What do you mean, we pass? What do you mean?" Sakura babbled, expressing everyone's confusion.

The clouds started to go away, leaving the beatiful blue sky behind. The atmosphere was different as well. He was for real?!

"It is the first team in history that I approved" Kakashi said, with a calmer tone "The others did everything I said and fell into all my traps"

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now