Chapter 63

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~ Your POV ~

The peace I had conquered when I saw Team 7 entering the arena quickly crumbled.

Within seconds of me stepping out of my hug with Naruto, Sasuke collapsed to the ground, taking Sakura with him.

We immediately rushed to their side, but Sakura was the only one to get up. Meanwhile, the Uchiha boy remained curled up on the ground, his breathing labored and a pained expression on his face.

Kakashi was by our side before I could even ask what had happened in the forest.

More than that, Sasuke's energy was too messed up for anyone to read. And my main concern was the fact that all his chakra signatures were pointing to Orochimaru's own chakra. 

They definitely met him during the second test.

I went to say something again, but a booming voice silenced everyone in the arena.

"The second part of the Chunin Exam is officially over!" the masculine voice said through the speakers "We ask that all the 23 Genins partaking on the next test line up on the main arena, dividing yourself in your teams. Mentors or remaining Jonin staff need to present themselves to the Hokage before entering the arena."

The speakers cut off, leaving people to mumble their theories before splitting up. Team 7 remained glued in place, a bit too shocked to say anything.

"You should go ahead." Kakashi said, trying to adjust Sasuke to a less painful position. It didn't help.

"But-" Sakura began to say, torn between following the rules and staying by her friends side.

"I'm fine." Sasuke groaned, his voice too hoarse for my liking "I can go too."

"You're in absolute no condition to even stand up, Sasuke." Kakashi berated, even though he began helping him sit up.

"I said I'm fine, dammit!" he lashed out, making everyone look at him like he was an alien. He looked around, lowering his voice before continuing "If I can't even fight while in a bit of pain, then what kind of ninja will I be?" he tried again.

I looked at Kakashi, hoping to see a sliver of his emotions behind his cold mask. But he showed nothing. Instead, silence took over as the last bit of people in the entrance cleared up and a second announcement boomed through the speakers, reiterating how important it was that staff and mentors presented themselves to the Hokage.

"Go." I said to him, making everyone look at me like I was insane. "We can handle this, Sensei. They won't say anything of importance until the Hokage is present, so we'll take care of Sasuke while you go meet the others. Just... try and stall things a bit?" I suggested, looking at a very much paler Sasuke.

Kakashi looked at me, his face imperially cold, but his eyes warm and questioning. When he saw the certainty in me, he looked at the others, waiting for their confirmation.

"She's right, Sensei!" Naruto chimed in, taking his place as Sasuke's support "You can leave it to us, Dattebayo!"

"We've got it covered, sir!" Sakura also backed up, even though her tone was less confident then Naruto's.

Kakashi took just a few seconds to decide, but eventually stood up and noded.

"Alright. I'll leave you to it the." He turned to leave, but stopped and turned to us again - more specifically to me. "If you think he isn't in any condition to even stand on the line, leave him in the infirmary. It's gonna be your call." 

I nodded, trying to embrace the sense of responsibility instead of feeling the weight of the fear of messing up. But my brain went into complete autopilot when Kakashi vanished in a cloud of smoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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