Chapter 15 (LEMON)

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This chapter will contain smut/lemon/18+ content. If you don't feel comfortable with any of the listed things, please step out of this chapter (next chapter will have a recaptulation of the imoprtant parts).

This chapter will contain: sex; strong language; BDSM; may be bad... dunno how to write it lol.

Enjoy your pervy chapter!


~ Your POV ~

It has been a month since they started the mission. I'm currently at Konoha gates, waiting for my team to arrive as they said they would.

My training was a hudge success and I made lots of friends at the ANBU. I just... don't remember much of the training now, but I'm sure it's just because I'm super excited to see my teammates.

Before I could be able to conclude my thoughts, a silver haired Jonin caught my attention. I opened the biggest smile I could possibly do and opened my arms to my energetic little brother.

He came running towards me and jumped into my arms, bragging about how successfull the mission was. I just focused on how he was safe and sound.

Sasuke also came by my side, recieving a hug as well. Even though he didn't seem to enjoy it that much, he didn't complain.

The Pinkette, despite being a little grumpy, returned my smile with a bright one. Everyone seemed happy and well. The mission was a success!

I looked up to meet Kakashi's eyes, full of life and passion as he looked at me. Ugh... I could die only by the way he looks at me!

"Yo!" he siad, approaching me "How ya doing, kid?" the way he said 'kid' always got me.

"Couldn't possibly be better" I answered, being thankfull for having a mask on.

"I have to disagree..." he said, and walked away, winking for me in the process.

He had his nose on his pervy book, once more. I couldn't help but think of us doing anything of that book.

Thank heavens, the others were to busy to notice our conversation. But god, my legs almost gave up on me... The way he talked... Damn you Hatake!

My daydreams of how my day could be better, of course involving Kakashi, were broke when Foxie started pulling me towards our house. 

He was energetic and really happy. I could put my finger on it, until we reached our small apartment.

"So..." he started, blushing a bit "Sasuke invated me to train later today... And then to sleep at his house!"

My little brother was blushing bright red at the end of his phrase. He told me that he had the biggest crush on the Uchiha since forever. And by the time I spent with Duckbutt, I could tell he felt the same.

"Like... a date?" I teased him, just to see him turning to another shade of pink.

"(Y/n)... What if he just wants to hangout? Like... just friends?" he asked, trying not to be hopefull.

"Uhm... I doubt that! But, you know how I am. Don't make conclusions before you have a fact" I said, patting his head.

His eyes filled with determination and hope, and he opened his signature smile. It was good to see him happy, like always. I always hated to see/hear people of the village hating him, for no reason!

Okay... he does have the spirit of the demon fox inside of him, and it may be a slight bit out of control sometimes, but Kurama was to lazy and strategic to just go baserk.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now