Chapter 4

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~ 3rd POV ~

Naruto thought it would be a good idea not to wake you. You woke up a lot of times the last night and Naruto, out of the purity of his heart, wanted to let you sleeping.

With this, you woke up at 10 am instead of 5 am. You were hushing inside the small apartment, putting your (h/c) hair up in a ponytail. Your training clothes were a bit messy, but you didn't really care.

 Your training clothes were a bit messy, but you didn't really care

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(use this as reference...or not... dunno)

You liked to say you were a really ponctious person. But right now, at your first training day at Team 7, you were late.

You went to the kitchen, grabbing an apple and rushing to the training grounds. You were sincerely hoping that you could at least watch the others train, and not get send back to the Academy.

But for your suprise, the only people on the green field were your classmates. Throwing your finished apple away, you aproached the team, heavy breathing and a bit sweaty. At least you were already warmed up.

"I'm so... so sorry about being late!" you said, giving Naruto a dirty look.

"It's quite alright (y/n)!" said Sakura, patting your back "Sensei is not actually here"

You looked at her in disbelief. A Jonin, that actually told you to meet 5 hours earlier, is not even there?

Looking around, you see Sasuke against a tree and Naruto pissed. "Foxie!" you called.

He looked at you, a little red of embaressement, but smiled anyways. You two always said 'Good Morning' to each other and, even though you were a little pissed at him, you needed to do so.

After waiting for another half an hour, a silver hair ninja appeared in the training grounds, telling a stupid excuse to why his late. You slowly stood up, judt like Sasuke, while Sakura and Naruto went off scolding our Sensei.

You couldn't keep in, and eventually started laughing at the scene. Even Sasuke cracked a rare smile at the sight of a Sensei being told off by his students.

After a while, Kakashi asked all of you to listen to his explanation. The 'survival exercise' was about to start.

~ Your POV ~

Everyone was in shock after the informations. Only two bells, two people should return to the Academy. But aren't we supposed to work as a team? I mean, it gets hard to think about others when you are worried about your own ass!

But maybe... that's the whole thing! The ideal four-man squad, in our case five-man, was made for the shinobis to have each others back.

It is a daily schedule for shinobis to encounter a situation where they have to decide between their camrades life or the mission.

Today, in our survival test, was no different. We either take the bells and pass, completing the 'mission', or help our camrades pass and fail.

"When I say start, you may begin" Kakashi-sensei announce, but was completly ignored by Naruto. My little brother chargd at our Sensei with a kunai, only to be deflected.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now