Chapter 47

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~ Your POV ~

The woman in question had a hat covering almost all of her face, except for her tongue. In her hand was also a kunai. Anko's kunai, I noticed. And so did Anko, who prepared another kunai, just in case.

But the woman just handed her the kunai, letting go of her wrist and putting her tongue back inside her mouth.

"I just wanted to give that back to you..." the woman said, seemingly innocent, but her eyes shimmering with something else "And to check if the exam would take longer to begin than originally planned"

"Arigatō, Kusagakure Genin" Anko said, also falsely "But I would recommend you to be farther away from me if you don't want to experience a premature death..."

The woman's smile widened, and this time, I couldn't help the shiver. But... it wasn't a totally bad one.

Just like when I first met Kabuto-san, this woman's energy seemed familiar. But differently from Kabuto, who's familiar energy was merely a piece of his whole body, this woman exhaled fully that aura that... seemed good despite being so bad.

"I'm truly sorry, is just that when I saw the blood on this cute boy's face I couldn't help myself. I got so excited I just had to come closer. I didn't mean any harm..." the woman threw her hands up, in a mock surrender, and took a few steps back.

"Well, I didn't mean any harm either!" Anko said, despite still having my younger brother's blood shining fresh on her hands "It seems like everyone is a bit jumpy and grumpy today, huh? Must be the excitement!" she said, putting both her kunais away and walking back to the front, forgetting Naruto and I.

I was ready to get the hell out of there and stand beside Sai, but a cold hand stopped me. Turning, I see the woman is the owner of that cold hand. But her eyes weren't the same as before, murderous and thirsty for bloodshed, instead they were cautious and worried.

"Does it hurt love?" she asked, much more calmer and sweeter than any of her previous words.

It took me a few seconds to process her words and understand that she was talking to me. I was still unable to say anything, so instead I just shook my head.

"Are you sure? You better treat it before it leads to an infection!" she said, before taking her tongue out and licking the remaining blood from my cheek.

I wasn't able to move, completely in shock by her action. But before I could say anything, she let go of my arm and walked back to her group, leaving me behind.

"C'mon Nee-san..." Naruto called, also in shock "We better go to our team..."

I nodded, having to wait a few seconds for my legs to obey me and my instincts to melt after being frozen by fear.

But as soon as we started walking back, the fear gave place to gratefulness. I had no idea who she was, what she wanted from me or why she did what she did, but she did help me a lot. By defending me from Anko and cleaning my wound (even though that part was a bit nasty) and avoiding an infection.

When I finally stopped by Sai's side, and waiting for his eyes inspection to be over, Anko started to talk again.

"Are you alright, Lady Y/n?" Sai whispered, ignoring Anko.

"I'm just fine Sai, thank you..." I whispered back, still a bit shocked with the whole situation.

He didn't argue with me, but didn't divert his eyes from me either. I don't know if he was waiting for me to pass out so he could take me out of there or if he was considering just teleporting directly to Danzou to report. And I didn't know if he was planning to murder Anko in her sleep either.

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