Chapter 62

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~ Your POV ~

Saying I was nervous was an understatement, but to be fair, so was everyone else.

Much like the other night, sleep was a foreign concept for me, and this time I wasn't even able to sit on the bed as the last rays of sunshine graced the sky. My feet were pacing circles on the light wood floor and my eyes would occasionally turn to the window in search of a sign.

Kakashi sat on it, his eyes calm but absolutely fixed on the other side. He was worried, as much as I was.

When the atmosphere inside the room became too unbearable - thanks to my own anxiety and a lack of ways to evade it - I decided to take a walk around the facility we were in. And much like the other day, the corridors were silent. But this time, there was a somber and mournful tone to it. It was a heavy silence.

I walked around, my breath short even though I wasn't running. I wasn't even sure were I was going, but my feet stopped short when I recognized the tiles beneath my feet.

"Thought I'd find you here..." Shikamaru's voice was quiet, but against the silence it seemed like a roar.

I looked up at him, already sitting at the entrance as if waiting for Naruto to arrive. 

As a matter of fact, as I looked around, I could see a bunch more shinobis just waiting around. Waiting.

For classmates. For friends.

For family.

The anxiety I was feeling was being shared here, the desperation of not knowing what was going to happened. Or what had already happened.

Did they get hurt? Did they die? Are they too far away from the entrance? Will they make it in time?

"I couldn't sleep." I said, to no one in particular.

Shikamaru nodded, completely silent, as his eyes returned to the entrance. Like he was scared of blinking and missing their entrance. I stood there, looking at him looking at the entrance. After a few minutes, he just patted the place next to him in the tiles.

I didn't hesitate to sit next to him, pulling my knees up to my chest and resting my chin on them.

The only difference was that I wasn't brave enough to look at the entrance. I was waiting for his reaction first, too afraid to look at them getting in and... Gods, I was pathetic.

"They'll be fine." he muttered.

I didn't answer, listening as a clock ticked away in the undying silence. Every second it marked, another thought crossed my mind. I wanted to believe that they were strong; I wanted to believe that they would make it in time.

But the tick, tock, tick, tock, tick...

I wanted to break that goddamn clock and shove it inside the person who was wearing it.

Suddenly someone gasped. A pained, grateful sound that would have mimicked anyone's there as they hurried to get up and running towards the entrance.

Instinct kicked over, as it did to everyone in the room, and I scrambled to get up too. 

Shikamaru was already halfway up as we all took a second to take the image in.

It wasn't Naruto, nor Sakura, nor Sasuke.

It wasn't whoever the hell the other shinobis in this room were expecting.

I sat back down, watching as the girl - who made the initial sound - kissed desperately one of the boys in the team that had just arrived from Kirigakure. Her tears were falling on his cheeks as he repeatedly told her everything was alright.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now