Chapter 46

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~ Your POV ~

Surprisingly enough, I wasn't tired or sore.

Neither my lack of sleep or my little... play with Kakashi made me regret my actions. They were actually more of a relief than a burden to me.

So now, standing in front of the gates among all of the other Genins that passed the written exam, I was waiting for Anko's instructions.

We were in front of the so called "Forest of Death", and I had the feeling things would go downhill from there, though I wished it didn't go as far as a mere feeling.

Looking around, there was a limited number of people I knew, and I didn't know how I was supposed to feel about that.

Besides Team 7 and Sai, who were essentially on it with me, Neji's team, Team 8 and Team 10 were also present. From Konoha, Kabuto's team was still standing strong, the blue haired male stealing glances at me from time to time. He smiled every time I caught him, but his eyes were strangely worried.

Apart from these teams, Sunagakure's and Otogakure's teams had also passed the first test. Some other villages also had their Genins ready for action, but no one was really catchy for my eyes.

Some Konoha Shinobis were seated on a large table under some trees and were also waiting for Anko's words. Though, she didn't get a chance.

When I looked over to my side, where Naruto used to be standing, I find the spot empty. Looking at Sasuke I see that he is observing, with a rather sweet smile, my little brother running away from a... square rock?

Again? Konohamaru, do you have any creativity?

But nobody said a word.

So we all just stood there, awkwardly watching in silence as Naruto ran away from a 'squared shaped rock', wondering when it would stop.

Luckily for us, it was sooner than expected.

When Naruto, finally, decided to stop playing around and actually call Konohamaru out of that terrible disguise.

I didn't get the chance to see it last time, but their little entrance and all was rather cute. It made me a bit less mad at them. But only a bit.

I was invested in not paying any attention to the trio, preferring a bit of calm and peace to think over what the second stage of the exam could be, but my ears automatically picked on their conversation when Konohamaru said they were on a official mission there.

"We came looking for a exclusive interview!" Moegi said, smiling brightly.

By instinct, my eyes shot to the Sunagakure siblings and then to Sasuke. I was glad to see the Uchiha already looking at me and, following my tray of thoughts, he gave a light nod.

Last time Konohamaru and his friends were in the presence of outsiders, they had pissed them off. The results of that little misunderstanding was still marked on my godson's neck, as blackish finger marks, now disappearing. And that happened with them only pissing off two people! I couldn't bare to think what would happen if he were to disturb a whole bunch of edged and anxious Genins...

"Ne~ Minirīfu" I called, dragging his attention back to me. He smiled brightly once he noticed me there, and I noticed he controlled himself a lot not to come running to hug me "We're about to enter an exam, why don't you make your special interview when we leave?" I asked sweetly.

"Yeah brat!" Kankuro's voice shot from a few feet behind me "Listen to the doll and go home! Let the real ninjas do their thing!"

I felt Neji's and Shikamaru's eyes shooting directly at the Suna Genin once they heard the nickname and saw the deep breath I took. Sasuke, not so kindly, also showed his teeth to Kankuro. I could even swear Kabuto and the Otogakure Shinobis shot him a death glare too. Yet, the boy didn't seem to get a clue.

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