Chapter 50

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~ 3rd person POV ~

It wasn't that same night as always. That made you uneasy.

Instead, it was an unusually sunny day where birds were chirping non stop and the smell of fresh flowers invaded the air.

You were sitting in a simple wood chair by the window. It took you a while to get your mind into you old memories.

Oh... you thought to yourself, This is nice!

As your senses finally came back fully, you started to listen to the ever so sweet humming of a woman. You turned you head off the the window to face the room behind you. You were in a small cozy kitchen, lightened by the rare sunlight. You remembered how rare these days were back in the Rain Village. Your home Village.

Your eyes finally focused on her, the woman standing by the oven making a delicious looking batch of dangos, humming the soothing lullaby.

Her hair was long, longer than you remember it to be in that cursed night. She had it tied up in a bun while she adjusted her apron. She was using a simple blue dress, the symbol of the L/n Clan clear on it's back.

You felt your throat closing. You wanted to shout, to run to your mother's arms and be there forever, but nothing came out. Only a small baby cry.

Nonetheless, your mother turned to you, her blue eyes soft and tender as she opened the sweetest smile for you.

"Hello, my baby Y/n" she said, cleaning her hand on the apron and approaching you "Did I wake you up from your nap?"

She took you on her arms and only then you realized how small you were. Kurama really did take you all the way back to your earliest memory: the one you were merely 1 year old!

"Shh shh, it's okay now! Mommy's here for you! No need to worry, I'm not going anywhere Y/n!" she soothed you, spinning around while holding you close.

You heard a small childish giggle leaving from your memory self and saw your small little hand getting up to grab a strand of your mother's hair.

"Do you miss your daddy?" she asked, approaching the countertop again to analyze the dangos "Don't worry sweet Raindrop, he's coming home soon enough! We're making him some dangos while we wait, okay?"

She sat you down on the countertop and started to hum that lullaby again while working on the sweets.

Her presence, her smell, her voice... everything was so vivid and yet you couldn't do anything about it. You were completely at the mercy of your memories...

You had idea how much time passed, but soon enough rain began pouring again, along with the setting sun.

"Eh? Already raining? Well, at least we had a pretty sunny day, right Y/n?" she chuckled, stroking your cheek.

She had ended the making of the dessert and was now happily brushing your hair.

Suddenly, the front door opened and you had no idea how fast your mother was to have taken the kunai and pushed you to her back. Her blue eyes, that were once filled with gleam, were dull with determination and the instinct to kill.

"Akane, it's me!" a male voice, tired but tender, announced.

"Oh, Eichi! You scared me!" your mother let out a relived sigh, putting her kunai away and taking you in her arms once more "You're home early!"

By the door, soaking wet from the outside rain, the man you once called father was smiling softly at both of you. His black hair was short and dripping with water, his eyes tired but cunning behind his glasses. 

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