Chapter 34

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~ 3rd POV ~

"So... You wanna talk about whatever that was?" Tenzou asked when you finally caught up with him.

"They are trouble" you muttered, receiving an arched eyebrow as answer "Those Suna Genins... Something tells me we should keep an eye on them" you concluded.

"Well, that much I figured. We should talk with Danzou-sama about it" he said, waiting a bit to add "But what I wanted to say was that whole teleportation thing... How did you even do that?!"

You wanted to be honest, but if you really were with yourself, you had no idea. Completely clueless about everything.

"I don't know... That's another thing to add to the list of questions for grandpa Danzou" you sighed, nd Tenzou took it as the end of your conversation.

So for the rest of your way to the Anbu Institution, you both stayed quiet.

-- Time Skip --

You had your knife to Akemi's throat when Danzou entered the training room. Everyone fixed their posture and took a bow, before leaving the room. Only your equip and Danzou stayed inside with you, along with a young boy approximately your age.

"Y/n, I see your trainings are paying off nicely..." he mentioned once he saw the red mark on Akemi's throat. He tenderly stroke your cheek "You are showing fierce focus and determination. That's my girl"

You smiled a bit more brightly and straightened your back more. Giving off a small nod to his acknowledgment.

"If I may, Danzou-sama" Tenzou began, stepping forward "Who is the kid?" he brought the boy to our attention.

"Oh, yes" Danzou remembered, bringing the kid forward "This is one of the Anbu guards I have on your age, trained to perfection since birth. He is going to be your partner for the Chunin Exams"

You glared at the pale boy. His black hair was shinny, but his eyes were full of void. If it wasn't for that, his beautiful big smile would be believable.

He put his gloved hand forward, his smile never hesitating once. But if you had to admit, he had a good fashion sense.

"Hello! You can call me Sai. Nice to meet you, my lady!" he said, frocing an excited tone, but uncapable of masking the emotionless motion of his voice.

Why did I have to meet two depressed people today!?

"The pleasure is all mine Sai-kun! Please, call me Y/n"

He looked up to Danzou, waiting for the order or the permission to call you in a more informal way. A light nod was all he got.

"Very well, Y/n-chan" he forced a brighter smile.

You let go of his cold hands, adjusting your mask before continuing.

"Well, since from now on we are going to be partners, it would be of our best interest to get to know each other" you started "What is your Jutsu Style? Perhaps even a special Jutsu?"

Danzou grunted in approval, glad and proud of how you started things professionally and thinking of the victory.

"I have a Special Jutsu has an specification in Ink and drawings" Sai started, much more professionally too "Anything among those lines can be created by me"

"That is really interesting... Mine are..." you both kept on talking over your strengths and weaknesses, strategies and plans, and everything in between those things.

You were surprised by how you both got a connection so quickly, even though he seemed like a fake half of the time. The other half he was just an asshole.

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