Chapter 25 (Lemon)

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This chapter will contain smut/lemon/18+ content. If you don't feel comfortable with any of the listed things, please step out of this chapter (next chapter will have a recapitulation of the important parts).

This chapter will contain: sex; strong language; BDSM; may be bad... dunno how to write it lol.

Enjoy your pervy chapter!


~ 3rd Person POV ~

It was already late when you and Naruto got home. The blonde knucklehead was so sleepy that he didn't even say a proper 'goodnight' before changing clothes and jumping right into bed.

Leaving you all alone with your thoughts. And Ramen leftovers.

You changed into more comfortable clothes and stopped in the middle of your kitchen, looking at the leftovers while thinking about your talk with Sasuke. It was a true relief that both of you trusted each other with such a big secret. Moreover that he supports your decision.

Even now, merely thinking about your Sensei left you like a blushing mess. Speaking of which... you thought to yourself, I doubt that he even ate something. The way he is, he is probably doing his stupid report and didn't even realize how late it is!

You looked up at the kitchens clock. 11pm sharp. At this hour he won't get anything either...

You looked back at the leftover Ramen. Basically a whole bowl that Naruto couldn't finish thanks to a stomach ache (achieved by eating a lot). It wasn't a lot, but would be enough to feed a certain Sensei.

That's right! I gotta at least drop him a nice Ichiraku's Ramen off. After all, a shinobi with an empty stomach can't teach no one. You decided, grabbing the plastic bag and leaving your small apartment, leaving a sleeping Naruto behind.

You only bothered to think what you should say half way through your walk, and even so, couldn't think of something. So, when you stopped by your beloved Kakashi's door, you decided to just... go with the flow?

With a sigh, and trying to pull yourself together, you knocked on his door. Just a light and shy knock, not to disturb the peace and quiet of the environment.

Kakashi lived rather far away from people. The closest neighbors were on a five minute walk from there, which gave a lot of privacy. You figured Kakashi was the type of guy to want a peaceful and quiet life.

You waited for a whole minute before knocking again, this time a little louder. His lights were on, so you were sure he was home. Perhaps I knocked too lightly? 

Again, after waiting for a whole minute and not receiving an answer, you knocked one more time, following with a "Kakashi? It's me (Y/n). I brought you some food.... Can I come in?"

No answer still.

Your anxiety started to take the best of you, so in a fast and bold decision making situation, you decided to try and open his door to get inside his house. It didn't help when you found the door was unlocked.

"I'm coming in..." you announced, muttering a quick "Excuse me" while leaving your shoes at the front door.

You passed through the entrance hall and entered what seemed to be a living room, and the only room in the house that was lit.

With your feet as silent as they could be, you approached the table and the sofa, noticing all the papers tossed around the floor and coffee table.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now