Chapter 44

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~ Your POV ~

"HE TOOK YOUR WHAT?!" Neji shouted.

"My virginity..." I said, barely passed the point of whisper, full of embarrassment.


"Because I had a hickey..." I twisted my fingers.

The boys sighed.

"Who else knows this?" Shikamaru asked.


The face Shikamaru and Neji made would be hilarious, if it wasn't at me they were aiming to strangle.

"YOUR ANBU SENPAI?!" Neji shouted enough for all Konoha to hear.

"How?" Shikamaru said, a bit more controlled, but clearly pissed.

"He... He almost caught us..." I couldn't bare to look at them.

The silent that took place after was filled with tension and awkwardness. But then, it was broken by Shikamaru's laugh. When I looked up, he was almost pissing himself from laughing so much. Neji was merely chuckling, but it was still a very unexpected reaction.

"You almost got caught?" Shikamaru managed to ask.

I couldn't do anything other that nod, which was enough to make Shikamaru fall in another laughter crisis, followed by Neji this time.

"I swear to god Y/n, you can be so smart sometimes..." Neji started, unable to finish.

"But this is clearly not one of them!" Shikamaru completed.

"Now you're just insulting me for free" I stated.

"No, we're telling the truth" Neji countered.

"You were top of our class in the Academy, joined the ANBU at 15 and yet, all it takes you is a few kisses and you forget all about your training!" Shikamaru threw in my face my own lack of shinobi character.

After they calmed down, and I was finally able to stop blushing, we started to talk like normal people again.

"Well..." said Shikamaru, cleaning a little tear from his eyes "Anyone else?"

"Nope. Not that I think of, at least." I said "But you guys were the first to know it for sure and in all details! Just got the necklace, and a full out confession... And I wanted you guys to know because-"

"We are family!" the boys said together, finishing what was written in all our hearts.

I smiled gently. Even though I already have a "family" of my own, with Naruto and the Grandpas, this one was my heart family.

It's funny, because people normally think there is only one type of family, but I know there are three.

Blood family: self explanatory, it means the family in which you were born in. The blood ties you share till the day you die. Never really considered that one much, because it can be more of a prison than a family. People think that just because you share the same blood, you are obliged to be nice to them and treat them as loved ones. Sometimes, you can develop nice ties with the people in your blood family, like Naruto and I, but other times...

Soul family: the family in which you have people who have gone through similar things that you have. People with similar experiences, same tastes, etc. Never found a family like that, but it is one I hope to have. A large family, with broken people who once felt that they were worth nothing, but now help each other through everything and nothing can break them apart. A real family!

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