Chapter 45

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~ 3rd POV ~

It was around 4 am when you woke up. You thought you would be more tired after the test the day before, but you woke up as disposed as ever.

In truth, you thought you would wake up around 7 am, seeing all Team 7 would meet at 8 am in the Academy so that Kakashi would tell you all the location and important details. He gave you all his word that he wouldn't be late this time.

You looked over to see Naruto,, still snoring and babbling on his sleep. You took a shower, made your bed and had breakfast and he was still out cold. You knew he wouldn't be up for at least two hours from now.

Sighing, you kissed him on top of his head and covered him properly with a blanket. After that, you put on your mask and get out through the window. Your Senpai was leaning against the chimney when he looked a you.

"You're up early..." he states.

"I just lost my sleep I guess" you answer, getting near him to kiss his cheek.

The sunrise was a few minutes of beginning, but the sky was already in a grayish tone, the stars were still shining.

"Nervous for today?" Tenzou asked, searching on your features any sing of panic.

"A bit, to be honest. But I know I'll be just fine as long as I stick to the training" you smile, stretching a bit before looking out on the distance "I just need to do a few things before today's test..."

"Alright then..." Tenzou groans, getting up "Where do you need to go?"

"Oh, no Tenzou, I actually want to go alone"

"Uhm, no can do Lady L/n" he said, with a smug smirk "I am your bodyguard for a reason ya'know?"

"Yeah, yeah I know" you tried "But I just want to be alone for sometime before today... Please, Senpai..." you begged.

He stopped for a while, considering. He looked over to you and your big puppy eyes, almost giving up.

"I'll be back before 7 am, I swear!" you insisted "If I don''t, you can go search for me and give me all the lectures you want!"

After a few seconds, he gave up. Sighing he nods to you.

"Alright, just be careful, ok? The village has a lot of new and dangerous shinobis this week. If at any given moment you feel endangered, scream!"

You nod, happy that he allowed you. After thanking him and kissing him goodbye, you started to jump roof by roof, boosting you towards the monument you haven't seen for a long time.

-- Time Skip --

The sun was already rising and you were in the middle of praying to the fallen shinobis when a familiar chakra signature started to approach behind you.

He stopped on his tracks after noticing you there, but after a few seconds, he continued to walk towards your direction.

"You're up early, n/n" Kakashi says as a greeting.

"Just lost some sleep..." you say, turning to him.

He stops by your side and after a quick mumbled prayer he looks at you.

"How are you, my love?" he asks, slowly passing his arms to your hips, pressing you on a hug.

"I'm fine..." you said, not believing your own words. Kakashi wasn't either.

"Are you truly?" he asked, comforting.

"Well... I'm a bit nervous but what can I do?" you say, nuzzling on his chest "I guess I'm just not... mentally prepared if I have to go up against the team!" you answer, your voice muffled thanks to his chest.

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