Chapter 35

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~ 3rd POV ~

Even though the stroll you and Kakashi took together was utterly romantic, your tiredness made it almost impossible for you to enjoy.

It took you to the point where you almost passed out and Kakashi was carrying you back home.

"I know I shouldn't be all over you for training and giving it your best, but please be careful n/n" Kakashi said while he opened your apartment door "You should prioritize your health over your training, my love" 

"Sorry Kashi... I didn't even notice it was late until the sun raised" you chuckled nested on his warm arms.

"The damage has already been done now. Just let me take care of you at least..." he said, putting you down on your bed.

You wanted to tell him to don't bother and to go get everything he needed to do done. But the way he was taking care of you, the unstable shimmer in his eyes showing just how worried he was... it was almost unbearable for you. So you complied.

Plus, it has been some time since the last time you both had some alone time together. Even if you were almost passing out, it was still some time for just the two of you.

"I'm going to start the water" he said, taking himself to the bathroom "Are you capable of taking your clothes off alone?"

And even though he said it in the most innocent intention ever, you couldn't help but blush. He chuckled, taking off his mask. He was already comfortable enough to be himself around you. So he calmly walked back towards you, kissing your forehead before adding:

"I don't expect you to enter the bath with your clothes on, kitty" he laughed, before walking back to the bathroom.

Your emotions left you hot and bothered. Damn you Hatake...

When he came back, you had already taken off your clothes, mask, gloves and had your hair down. You were just searching for a clean towel for you to get in the water.

Kakashi simply leaned in the door, checking you completely naked and, trying with all his might and failing, not to get hard. Once you turned back, you met his gaze and smirk. But even so, he didn't dare to do anything other than stare.

"Come" he said, that irreducible command in his voice. The same command that made you close your legs tight the last time, and now.

But you still walked towards him and entered the bathroom, where the bath was already filled with hot water. You stepped in, feeling the relief of your tired muscles and soul when all the uncomfortable feelings got washed away.

You didn't have any clue on how you would effectively wash yourself though, since your muscles were begging for you to just lean back and enjoy the steaming water. But your questions were answered once big warm hands started to soap your back. You turned to meet Kakashi's gaze.

"You can barely stand up, love" he said wetting the sponge into the bath before pouring the water on your aching shoulders "Let me do this for you. Just relax, okay?"

You nodded, enjoying that quiet, yet comfortable, moment with Kakashi while he washed you. After a few minutes, he helped you out the bathtub, wrapping you in the clean towel, and taking you back to the room.

He sat you down on your bed and walked to your wardrobe, picking a comfortable outfit for you to wear. After helping you dress, he sat down by your side and gently started to brush and dry your hair. All of that in the coziest silent. A silent present in all of those romance books you read; a silence of lovers merely enjoying each others company.

After you were clean, dressed and taken care of, Kakashi leaned you both back on your pillows. He took your head to his chest while he simply opened his book to start to read.

"Sleep tight, n/n" he said, cuddling you closer to him "I promise you that when you wake up I'll make you something yummy to eat" he looked at you.

"Don't you have more important things to do Kashi?" you asked, clear exhaustion on your voice.

"I don't think anything is ever going to be more important to me than you" he muttered, kind of reflecting to himself about his statement. Suprinsingly enough for him, it came from his heart.

You saw his eyes shimmer when yours were obviously doing the same. You got up a bit, just like Kakashi leaned in a bit, to kiss him. A tender and sweet kiss, of reassurance.

"Only a quick nap than..." you muttered, nesting on his chest yet again "But you must wake me up before 3pm, ok? This way we both can go with the rest of the team to the Academy..." your eyes were closing.

Kakashi took a few moments, calculating how much sleep that would be for you.

"Hum... five hours of sleep seem reasonable for me... Very well than!" he chuckled, passing one of his arms on you in a hug "Now sleep, love"

And before you knew, you were already on the dream land with Kakashi's smell still on your nose.

-- Time Skip --

Kakashi gently shrugged your shoulders to wake you up.

You slowly opened your eyes to see his smiling features while he brought you a bowl with ramen. After siting on your bed and stretch your fatigue away, you looked at Kakashi again.

"It's 3 O'clock, before you say anything" he laughed, sitting by your side and putting the ramen away "Did you sleep well enough, love?" he asked, kissing your temple.

"Like a baby thanks to you Kashi..." you smiled, approaching him for a real kiss.

He smiled when your lips met his, and gently asked for permission for you to open up. You gladly did.

And as his tongue was exploring your mouth; as his hands were holding you close to him like you could simply vanish anytime soon; you had sure you wanted to wake up like this every morning. You had sure you wanted to be with Kakashi, because he was the only one that made that feeling rose in your chest.

After a  while, you both separated. Kakashi gently tucked a strand of hair behind your ear before kissing your forhead once more.

"You better eat, darling. Or else we wont be able to make it in time to help the team!" he said, passing to you the ramen bowl.

And for the next minutes, while you were eating his (amazingly cooked) ramen, he just kept asking you all sorts of silly questions:

"What's your favorite colour?"

"And your favorite food?"

"Do you prefer summer or winter?"

"Have you ever been to the beach?"

"What's your favorite book?"

And things like that. Getting to know every little detail from the person he swore to himself, his father, his sensei and his bestfriends, he would treasure and protect; even if this meant it would hurt both of you...


Ohayo Minasan! How are you all today??

This last few days I have been posting as much as I can, but there are some complications in a Senior High's life... I do hope you all enjoyed the chapters I've been posting tho.

Don't forget that, if I do any misspelling, incorrect nomination or even missculture somethings, PLEASE CORRECT ME! I am not American nor Japanese, so I still have a lot to learn...

Also, Happy Mother's Day! Hope you all had a wonderful day with your moms (if you don't have a mom or maternal figure, I just hope you enjoyed your day!)

That's all for today my beautiful peeps! Until next time... Stay safe and love youu <3


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