Chapter 60

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~ Your POV ~

I was exhausted, for lack of a better word.

Physically, I could still fight. Emotionally... I was one look at Danzou away from either crying or committing a felony. Not sure which one was better in that case.

But as Sai and I stumbled inside the tower, after being so eagerly greeted by Ibiki-sensei, all I wanted to do was take a nap until the next part of the exam began.

In less then three days, my whole life - my whole self-identity, actually - was turned upside down. My past was uncovered and a bright shining light just showed me the people I thought were my family, were actually the enemies.

And as we were directed to a small nursing area to take care of our most pressing injuries, I couldn't help but wonder if it was all true. If my life was truly just a made up story for me to be their puppet or if I let my guard down and allowed my enemies to take advantage of me.

I knew the answer, of course. As much as I wanted to close my eyes and pretend as if nothing happened, as if I didn't know the real reason behind the years of that empty feeling inside me, I couldn't go back anymore. I couldn't ignore the part of me that now seemed to finally bloom.

The anger that bloomed with it.

The only thing I was still debating on was whether or not I'd confront the Third and Danzou, but that... That I was planning on deciding later.

For now, as the warm hands of the healer soothed away my aches, I just wanted the peace and quiet.

Sai seemed to understand the assignment, seeing as he just bowed to me after his healing session and left without a word - no doubts going up to Danzou for his report.

And so did the healer, since as soon as my healing session ended, she just smiled faintly and left the room - her soft voice saying something along the lines of "get some rest". For the way that I looked, the poor woman probably thought I didn't sleep through the whole test.

But still, I didn't move from my position on the stretcher, my feet dangling in the air as I focused my eyes on the floor's pattern. My ears seemed to be ringing and my eyes were burning up, but somehow I couldn't move my body.

Not until he arrived, at least.

I was so absorbed on my own world I didn't sense his chakra, but  my head whipped around as the door suddenly opened, and Kakashi stood panting by the door - like he had just dropped everything to come to me.

We stood there for a second, eyes locked as if both in shock be the other's presence. And then we broke.

Kakashi was by my side in the blink of an eye as I fell from the stretcher, my hands gripping his vest like my life depended on it.

"Oh... baby" was all he said as we hugged each other tightly, my tears rolling free as if the dam had burst.

I didn't have the heart to tell him what I had learned. I didn't have the soul to see if his eyes would change from tenderness to disgust if I told him who I truly was. I didn't have the heart to tell anyone in fact.

And Kakashi seemed blissfully unaware that what troubled me was far beyond the grotesqueries of the test. So I just let him believe. And as we finally separated from our hug, and he just held me in his lap - counting my lashes and brushing my hair - I carefully told him the story I decided to tell everyone: of how on the first day we were ambushed by Kusagakure genins. How we fought them and had to kill them after their Dragon Leaf Jutsu. How we were lucky they had the exact same scroll we needed.

My heart ached with each lie I told him. 

I felt nauseous and cursed myself with each word that left my lips.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now