Chapter 14

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~3rd POV~

"Oh well... you are fucked" said Neji.

"nOt HeLpInG..." you were almost jumping off a cliff.

"Welp... this is a drag" Shikamaru said, looking at the clouds "And you are really fucked"

"You too?!" you groaned, laying down on the hot stone.

"Oh c'mon (Y/n), your situation is really not the best!" Neji laughed.

"Mainly beacause of who it is..." Shikamaru muttered.

"Why? Is it because he's my Sensei? Or one of the best Shinobi's in Konoha? Or because he is almos 6 years older then me? Or..." you were being sarcastic, even though all the information was true and hard for you to face.

"Because he's a womanizer, you dumbass" Shikamaru answered.

You kept silent. Shikamaru always told you about the rumors and even something he found out himself. And now, he was as worried as ever about you.

"Kakashi is a good person and an even better shinobi" he said "But he enjoys breaking hearts..."

"That doesn't mean we don't got your back though" Neji added "We will always be by your side to tell you 'we told you so'!" he laughed a bit, but you knew it was true.

"That's a way of putting it... But (Y/n), are you sure you like him?" Shikamaru asked.

"I- I'm not sure... Is just that he's always in my head! Everytime he looks at me I feel lightheaded and when he speakes it seems like I'm going to pass out. His presence just... UGH!" you tried to explain but it was useless.

Even though you failed to explain, and got yourself all red on the way there, Shikamaru and Neji seemed to understand. They knew for a fact that this was your first crush and they knew even better that you weren't all that lovey dovey.

They locked eyes for a bit, speaking without a word. They both got up and got on your sides, grabbing your arms and lifting you.

"W-What?! What are you guys doing?! PUT ME DOWN!" you shouted uselessly.

Obviously, they didn't. Instead, they lifted you up on Neji's shoulder and started jumping to the forest.

You struggled and threw tantrum trying your best to get off Neji, but nothing worked. After 10 minutes, you guys finally arrived at the succluded area of the forest, with a nice little lake.

"What was that for!?" you asked/shouted.

"What time is it?" Shikamaru asked Neji, completly ignoring you.

"12.35" he answered "We have an hour"

"HEY! Don't ignore me!" you insisted.

"Ugh... What a drag..." Shikamaru answered "Well, we gotta work with the time we have"

"What do you mea- AAAAAA" you weren't able to finish your sentence before Neji threw you on the lake.

The boys jumped on it the very next second. Their plan was to cheer you up, and they knew you needed to relax a bit as well.

"YOU JACKASSES! NOW I'M SOAKING WET!" you shouted, laughing a bit.

"Yeah, yeah... Thank us later, (N/n)" {your nickname can be something related to you} said Shikamaru.

"Oh, I'll get you for it Ponytail!" you answered.

And that's how the next hour went. The three of you having fun in the lake after a good lunch and talk.

You did miss moments like this and was thankful for the boys.

Once the clock hit 13.30 you all got off the water and went on your respective ways. You had classes with the Hyugas, so Neji was coming with you.

The day was good. Was what you needed, really. And you were glad that you had friends in Konoha, even though you weren't officially from there.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now