Chapter 10

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~Your POV ~

"You know you don't have to walk me home, right Kakashi?" I asked while being scorted by the Jonin.

"I know, but I want to!" he said, not leaving his eyes from his pervy book.

The words that Gramps told me were still on my head. I already knew that I was weird, but not that the elders thought that too.

In the end of the day, I'm still the odd ones out.

Somehow, Kakashi maneged to see the sadness and preocupation forming in my eyes. Not even the mask was able to hide my complexions.

He sighed and putted his book away. With a quick movement, he grabbed my whrist and pulled me towards him. I was able to hear his heartbeat while he jumped to the nearest rooftop.

His touch and his embrace made me feel so different... I felt safe and loved! But my main preoccupation was in whether or not he was hearing my heartbeat. That shit was fast!

"What's wrong, (Y/n)?" he asked, staying dangerously close to me.

I don't know if it was the adrenaline or something, but Kakashi was so damn hot when you looked at him up close.

"W-What do you mean...?" I asked, trying my hardest not to blush.

Kakashi knew his effect on me. He knew and like the way I acted when he did this things, but right now he was genuinly worried about me...

"Something is bothering you. What is it?" he asked again, his voice a mix of stoic and sweet.

I don't know why, but something about Kakashi made me give up. All the walls I've been putting up just crambled like they were nothing. I felt safe and really taken care off. So I spilled everything. 

"I'm just... the black sheep" I said with a deep sigh, burying my face on his chest.

"What do you mean?" he asked, his voice vibrating to my body.

"I'm the only one who can't go to the mission, and only because I'm not good enough!" I raised my voice, feeling the tears coming down "I didn't get to the expectations of the elders and now I can't be with you guys"

Kakashi didn't say a thing. He just stroke my hair, letting me put everything out. 

"To be honest, I'm all alone! Naruto is just part of one of the clans I am. Just like Sasuke and Neji... but I'm all alone and weird and-" Kakashi cutted me.

"(Y/N)! Don't you ever say that! You will never be alone because I will always be here..." he lifeted my chin and brushed my tears away "Second of all, even if he is not your real brother, Naruto sees you as his sister. I can tell that you matter to him just as much as he matters to you!"


"No 'buts'! You are a great ninja and person, regardless of anything else, ok?" he planted a kiss on my forehead, leaving me as red as a tomato.

He chuckled, pleased to see me embarassed. He was so cute and hot and... ugh!

"Hey..." I said again, a new worry on my shoulders "Could you keep an eye on Naruto for me? I know he's one though cookie, but still..."

"Of course (Y/n)... I'll make sure to bring him back in one piece!" he stroked my hair once more.

Before I could do or say anything, he grabbed my waist and jumped off the bulding again. Only then I realized we were already at the small apartment I shared with Foxie.

"We'll be back in a month or so. Don't worry to much, okay?" he said, letting go of my waist. I nodded once, unaccustomed to the lack of your touch and warmth "I hope you can take the best out of your training, kid"

He than vanished... dramatically, like always. I couldn't help but giggle like a stupid fan girl. Oh damn... I'm falling into the net of the 'Womanizer'. This is not going to end well.

I shook my head, hoping to shake the growing feeling inside of me as well, before I got in. Naruto was up in a chair, with 90% chances of falling.

"Foxie... What are you doing?" I asked, walking towards him.

"Oh, hi (Y/n)! I was trying to get this cup of Instant Ramen!" he said, in his usual happiness.

He got what he wanted and went back down, giving me a quick hug before going back to our room.

"All ready for the mission?" I asked, right behind him.


"You sure?" I knew him better than anyone else. He was forgetting something.

"Of course I am!" he closed his bag after placing his food in "Wanna check?"

"Yes, I do!" I chuckled "Did you get your Ninja Weapons?"

"Yes!" he pointed at his pocket.


"My froggy's here!" he shoved the froggy wallet into my face.

"Extra clothes?"

"I got some for at least two months!" he smirked.

"What about a toothbrush?" I asked, smiling as I saw his defeated face.

"Oh... Uhm... hehe. Ops!" he said, running to the bathroom.

He came back, now with everything he needed for sure. It would be the first time we would be separeted for that long, and I was honestly scared.

I knew he would be alright, just like me, but what if he gets in to much trouble? Naruto is the type that cannot hold his toungue.

"Okay... Be sure to eat propely, not only Ramen, okay?" I repassed "And get enough sleep you knuclehead!"

"Yeah, yeah! You got it! This is my first real mission, there is no way I'm messing this up!"

"I hope your right! Listen to everything Kakashi-sensei says, don't get in trouble and take this seriously" I kissed his forehead, in an act I always did "Be careful and I love you Otōto!"

He gave me a tight hug, wich confirmed that he wasn't really ready to be far away from me. I returned the hug, just as tight as he did, and kissed the top of his head.

"I love you too Onēsan!" he replied.

I took a deep breath, holding in the tears. Taking a quick glance at the clock, I notice is time for him tog o, or else he'll be late.

"Now, off you go!" I gently pushed him towards the door "Say bye to Duckbutt and Pinkette for me, will ya?"

"You got it! This is going to be the best mission, dattebayo!" he said loudly before jumping from roof to roof.

I glared at him until I wasn't able anymore. Then I closed my door and started to clean the house. Tomorrow, my trainment would begin.

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now