Chapter 21

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~ Your POV ~

My classes continued, almost normally.

It had been three days since the meeting and since then, no news from any of the elders. Even though I continue my classes at ANBU, I can barely see Lord Daznou.

Sometimes I can see where Lord Third is, but I end up being so busy that I can barely see him. And of course, the elderly couple who hate me barely come out of whatever hole they live in.

Besides, all my teachers and colleagues are acting normally. Tenzou picks me up at home just before sunrise; Akina and Akemi continue their morning training with me; Kurenai, Asuma, Ibiki, Hiashi and Shikaku also had no change in behavior.

Often, during my training with Hiashi-sensei at the Hyuga mansion, Neji would show up to help me. The same thing at the training camp Nara, when Shikamaru appeared randomly to train with me.

During my training with Kurenai-sensei, I usually met with his Genins team, Team 8, and talked quickly. It was never a comfortable conversation as we were not very intimate. It usually started with just a polite "Good morning" on my part and ended with Shino dragging a flirty Kiba away from me, while poor Hinata apologized a thousand times.

As for Team 10, Asuma-sensei's team, it was very similar. Normally, I would meet them a few minutes before the sensei arrived and ended up with polite talk. Ino tried to get any kind of crumbs of information from Sasuke that I could have, while Choji simply delighted in a package of chips and Shikamaru tried to make me a little less uncomfortable. It didn't help much ...

Finally, during my training with Ibiki-sensei he started to be more ... affectionate? It took about a month before he finally started to like me, it seems. Truth be told: he is not very good at showing feelings, so anyone would think he was being hated by the torture master. But the more time you spend with him, the more time you notice small details. For example, if he starts to like you he won't curse you so much during training!

But other than that, nothing happened. An ANBU came with a message the day after the fiasco that was the meeting, saying that until further notice from the Hokage, I should continue my classes. And that is what I did ... I was doing, in this case.

I was giving more than my maximum allowed, waking up drained and aching, sweating blood and tears and continuing to the point that just repeating what my purpose was would keep me motivated.

Without anyone asking, I had reduced my break times and started using them as extra training. For that, I enjoyed Neji's connections with his Team, in order to improve in other areas.

Tenten helped me during the morning break with the handling of some weapons, improving each day from the most basic to the most complex. It was good to talk to her again, since we barely saw each other since the graduation test at the academy.

Rock Lee helped me with Taijutsu during the initial hour of my lunch break. I hated to admit it, but I was really awful in that area. I couldn't be more grateful to him for helping me to improve so much. Sometimes, luckily for me, even Guy-sensei showed up to help us train. A great Taijutsu master like him ... I really had a lot to owe them.

At least with your help I am completely inexperienced in Taijutsu, for someone who knows the basics of self-defense.

Now more than ever, I was having small missions with a team at ANBU. Luckily for me, the team was composed of Tenzou (as captain), Akina, Akemi and me. And our missions were basically to patrol and attack small threats. Nothing too big, but considerably important.

These three days, although tense, were more peaceful and productive than they could be. That was until the fourth day, when I was in the middle of training with Lee and an ANBU showed up.

"Miss (L / n)" ANBU called, making the same bow that everyone who called me did. I would be lying if I said I was used to it and I didn't care about it anymore.

I looked back, towards ANBU, without stopping to defend myself from Lee's blows. We had agreed during our first training together that we would not stop training until one of us was on the ground. That person was usually me ...

"How can I help you?" I said, dodging an aerial kick that Lee aimed at my face.

"You are being summoned at the Hokage's Office, Miss" the ANBU said, still in awe.

"What?" I asked, my heart in my stomach and my attention completely evaporated.

Lee took this opportunity to trip me up and make me fall on my ass. He quickly boasted of his victory, returning shortly thereafter to help me up, saying that I had improved a lot.

But all I was able to hear was a buzz and my own conscience asking me: Is it now?

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