Chapter 23

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~ Your POV ~

I woke up in a cold sweat. What was that dream I just had? Was it a memory or something else ... Who were those people? Are they still alive? Do they even remember me?

I was panting and all the blankets were thrown across the room. Although it wasn't exactly a nightmare, it was a very disturbing dream and it dug up some forgotten part of my soul ...

The knock on my door knocked me out of my thoughts. I looked out the window and then at the clock on the headboard. I woke up just as Tenzou-Senpai came to pick me up.

I got up and changed as quickly as possible, still trying to figure out whatever that dream had been. A few minutes later, I arrived at the door and met Senpai.

"You're unusually late today ..." he said, looking me up and down and somehow noticing my concern "Did something happen?"

I shook my head, both to say there was nothing wrong and to try to remove that tension from my shoulders and eyes.

"Nothing is wrong Senpai!" I replied, forming a docile and shy smile "I just didn't sleep much tonight ... It must be because of anxiety ..." I scratched the back of my neck, trying to lose him.

Somehow, I knew he was not convinced by my words. But even so, he left it aside. Perhaps for some pleading sparkle in my eyes, but he didn't bring it up again while escorting me to the Institution.

When we arrived, five minutes later, Akemi and Akira were already waiting for us in full masks and uniforms.

"Ohayō (Y/n)-chan" {Ohayō - Good Morning} they said together.

"Ohayō!" I said back, giving them a recomforting smile, before noticing their attires "Uhm... Is there a special occasion to why you all are dressed like this?"

I alternated my gaze between them and Tenzou, trying to find an explanation for that. In fact, we usually trained only in our uniforms, rarely wearing our masks unless we trained in open areas. But the twins were not only wearing masks in uniform, but also had a small arsenal of weapons, which any ANBU had to carry with them ... on missions.

"Do you have any missions planned for today?" I asked my Senpai, since he was the captain of our unit.

"We have, (Y / n)" he said simply "You are a part of this team so you will come with us, of course"

I automatically straightened my posture. Of course I know that I'm part of that team, but you didn't mention anything ...

"What will be the mission?" I asked

"It will be simple and short," he said, laughing, realizing how much I had been affected. "It won't take anything more than a few hours!"

Akemi jumped next to me, putting an arm around my shoulder.

"It will be time for you to see your Team arrive in Konoha!"

My cheeks flushed and I was never so grateful for wearing a mask.

"That's not what I'm worried about." I said, lying a little.

Tenzou ignored me, shrugging his shoulders as he proceeded with the details of the mission.

"We just have to make a circuit around Konoha" he said "A round around all the gates to identify possible threats or the like. We will start in an hour, after a warm-up, and we will do a complete clockwise round. The first gate will be the west, so we will end up in the east "

My Sensei... Kakashi x Female Reader(Student)Where stories live. Discover now