Chapter 49 - I love Avneet 💕

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Finally the much awaited chapter. Thank Saniya_tasniya_16 for the update. I am expecting a good response in this chapter though.

Let's start,

Siddharth's POV

It's been a week to that incident. Avu always stays silent and lost in her thoughts. It's been a whole damn week that she didn't smile, she didn't talk properly, she didn't fight with me. And I am dieing from inside. She has become a very important part of my life which I can't afford to lose anyhow. She looks so dull and gloomy these days. I can't see her like this. I am nothing without her. I didn't realise when she became so important to me that her smile and talks only make my day. I smile if she does, I cry if she cries. She affects me like no one ever did.

And everything suddenly started making sense to me now. Why I care for her so much? Why can't I see her like this? Why can't I stay without talking to her? Why my day doesn't begin if I don't see her face? Why I love to make her smile? Why seeing her smile makes me smile unknowingly? Why she affects me like no one ever did? Everything now makes sense. Everything what mom, bhai, di, Reemie and Bro told me. There's only one answer to that why which is -

"I am in love."

"I am in love with her"

"I love my Nakchadi."

"I love Avneet 💕"

It's true that when someone doesn't pay attention to you, you understand the real importance of that person in your life. That's the same what happened in my case. She has become my life. And this newly found feeling is just amazing. But at the same time it kills me to see her like this. I don't even know what's the matter. And I can't just sit like this. I have to do something. After dropping her silently, I went to Bro and Reemie. This has become my daily routine since a week and I am not liking this at all. I need her to talk to me, fight with me, laugh with me and I will make sure she gets over whatever going on in her mind and heart.

I reached where Bro and Reemie were standing. Bro asked.

Aarav - Buddy Avu?

He asked with a hope. But sorry I have to crash that. 

Sid - No buddy. She went.

He sighed and nodded sadly. I can feel you bro.

Reem - Guys we can't see her like this. We have to do something.

Sid - That's what I was wondering.

Aarav - I know guys but what? We can find solution only if we know the problem.

Sid - Hmm. Let's ask Sonia Aunty. Maybe she can tell what happened to her.

Aarav - No buddy I think it's their family matter and they wouldn't want anyone to interfere.

Reem - Aarav is right Sid. 

I sighed and nodded. They are right. But what should we do? Wait a min I know what to do. I just hope it works bringing my love to her cheerful self. Let me share with Bro and Reemie.

Sid (happily) - Guys I got the problem. 

Aarav and Reem - What?

Sid - See guys her problem is that her sister left her and she isn't able to tolerate that. She thinks that no one will stay with her forever. But that's not true. She is wrong and we need to show her that we are with her always. We need to make her understand that she needs to be happy and joyful with the people she has in her life. She can't just keep crying. I know siblings have a special place and I am not telling her to hate her sister. I am just saying that she is crying for her sister who is not here right now and ignoring us who are here with her. We need to make her believe that she deserves the best.

Both - You are right Sid. But what should we do?

Sid - I have and idea and that is _____________________________________________________________.

Both - Wow what an idea.

Reem - Vaise Sid we need to agree that when it's about Avu, your brain starts working. Why?

Sid (blushing) - Umm because I.. I..... I.. her. 

I said while blushing and I am sure my face will be red. I saw Reemie and Bro. Both looked shocked. Suddenly Reemie's expression changed from shocked to teasing while Bro looked like he was in deep thought.

Reemie (teasingly) - Wow you agreed. That's much of a surprise. But I am very happy for you. And someone used to say that he doesn't care about her. 

Sid (blushing) - Reem. She is like that only. Anyone will love her.

Aarav - True Buddy. 

Sidreem - What?

Aarav - Uhmm.. I..I meant that she is very sweet. Buddy is right anyone can fall for her.

Sid - Hmm. You won't say anything Bro.

Aarav (with a heavy heart) - Bro I am so so happy for you and Avu. I can't tell. I knew it that you will end up together only. It's good you realised. I hope Avu too realises soon.

Sid - Thank you so much Bro.

I hugged him and he hugged me back.

End of POV

Aarav hugged Sid back hiding his tears. He knew it was going to happen. He was prepared for this but it's love we are talking about, the most unplanned thing in the world. What we want never happens. Same was the case of Aarav. No matter how much he tries he knows that he will break down every time. His heart will break everytime he see them together. But his love was true and he knew how to sacrifice.

Sacrifice is the other name of love. After marriage as well husband and wife both have to sacrifice their comfort zones to adjust with each other. Then only they can be happy.

True love is pure. It doesn't expect anything in return. Unconditional love is the purest.

Aarav wiped his tears and broke the hug and left from there leaving Reem and Sid confused as to what happened to him.

Aarav wiped his tears and broke the hug and left from there leaving Reem and Sid confused as to what happened to him

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Sooo how was the chapter?

The much awaited realisation finally happened.

Aarav's heart broke once again. 😞😢

What is the plan that Sid made?

Will they be able to make Avu normal?

Will Avu realise her feelings?

Keep thinking.

Not keeping any target because I don't like to keep targets and also because I think you people are not gonna disappoint me this time.

Love you all 💖.


See you soon.

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